Nope, you can check the application online within 24 - 48 hours or call the automated line to check the status: 800-274-5060 Good Luck! This is the best bank by far to me. Balance transfers are completed VERY fast. Where with some banks, it takes forever for them to complete the transaction. You can also make unlimited online payments in one month. Some companies limit the amount of times that you can pay your bill.
I applied online...Got denied. A couple days later received an app in the mail for the Bof A gold Card. I went to filled it out. It also said pending......3-4 days letter I got an email saying I was approved for a Gold Card with a $500 limit. Good Luck to you! Me
Coincidentally, I applied Thursday around noon and when I checked around noon today, I finally found out I was approved. I was getting worried too, though.
If you call the number above, select option 1, and don't put in your ssn to get a representative. The rep can tell you exactly where they are in the application process.
Tommyy, I received an email today notifying that they had reached a decision, which I knew yesterday. Regarding the question about scores, in order not to take this thread in another direction, I posted that info on inquiry 10/31/02.
I'd still love to know the scores - I checked Mills and they don't list that info. Looks like it depends upon where you live as to who they pull. Mommy2cats
Geez, now I've gone and made it more complicated.. sorry! LOL Anyway, my score on TU was 730 before the inquiry, but it is actually on mills, if you click the actual # (its a link) of number of inquiries that come up by state or CRA, however it is sorted. (Did that make any sense?) That number link gives more info like dates and scores if people gave that info. I hope this clarifies, if not, just say so!
Thanks! And I'll go check that out on MIlls - didn't know that could be done. That's a good resource if we can get the scores, etc. Thanks for taking the time to reply - I appreciate it! Mommy2cats
I called the the 800 # last night and the woman did mention that I was approved but it would be 24 hours before I would receive a limit and card number. I called back today at noon 3 times and each rep stated my app was still pending and being reviewed? I explained that some one last night said I was approved and all said they don't see that on my account? I made sure with the rep last night that she was looking at my app. and she stated twice she was and I was showing approved. I don't know what to think now. Its been 3 business days and no answer. Their greeting for the 800# states I would get a decision in 2 business days. Looks like a denial and their too chicken to tell me. I just don't know why the woman last night would tell me that I was approved. Any thoughts?
Don't fret, they have just been a tad bit slow lately. Did they tell you exactly where your app was pending in the system? I think if you were denied, they tell you immediately. I think they are actually doing manual reviews now, and go through a few different departments. That is what I am gathering from my last time applying. I applied on 10/24/2002, and didn't receive a reply until 10/29/2002. I am rooting for you!
Thanks azur, I called customer service again and spoke to a pleasant women. She stated its waiting final approval and should be determined by Thursday. They are swamped due to some type of recent promotion. They pulled TU and she would not reveal my score. She did say you need to have a 620 score or better to be approved and I'm way over that. She did not know if this is a FICO score or an internal scoring system. My TU is 658 (fico) and 551 fako. I guess I'll wait until Thursday for the outcome.
That sounds like good news to me!! I know how you feel, I was sweatin bullets waiting. But, it all worked out in the end, so I am confident that it is going to work out for you.
Received approval on Wednesday and they mailed the card out on Thursday. I applied for the gold and got the Platinum with a $7500 limit. Rate is 8.9% for 6 months with a go to 12.74%. I called Cust. Service and they said I could not negotiate this down until the 6 month introductory rate expired. Is this true? If so, how do I go about asking for a lower rate? Call CS or write PFB?? thanks!