C'mon George, you are an inspiration to all of us with not-so-good credit! Stick around for a little while longer. jen
GEORGE, I don't know what prompted you to make that statement but I hope its not true. I've always enjoyed reading your post and I admire your 24+ years of perfect credit history. Its an inspiration to all of us. So STAY PUT!!! Manny
C'mon George, don't go! I for one really enjoy your posts. They are encouraging. You make us newbies who are hesitant to stand our ground, take command with our credit. Really, you do. Did Halmark offer you a contract? If so, could you pleeeeaaase find time to come here and help us out. We all appreciate you. If this is a final decision of yours, please take care of yourself and have a nice life. Be happy knowing that you have helped others.
well since most everyone is saying stay, I am going to say, "DRAMA QUEEN!" hehe JK. I know you will stay anyways.
THis might have been the thread that set you off, George. I was pretty offended by it and it wasn't even directed at me. My reply is at the end of the thread & I tried to inject a little bit of reasonableness. http://consumers.creditnet.com/stra...ighlight=Ego++Credit+&+Self+Esteem#post256963 To me one of the most interesting questions about credit is the classification of those who have no traditionally negative information on their reports, like you George. This is an area where FICO starts to get weird, and CCC's internal scoring systems start to seem illogical. It's hard to understand denials and extreme score gyrations based on one additional inquiry, or a CC balance that increases by $5, thereby putting you over some artifical limit which lowers your score. Also, just because you have no credit problems doesn't mean you give up your legal right to a 100% accurate credit report. Often times, though, the attitude you get from CRA's and others is "Your score's already over 700, what do you care?" Well, I care, especially because the system is based more on measuring conformity of behavior, rather than financial responsibility. As a gay man, 38 years old (ouch!) the way I manage my finances will always differ from a man my age who's married and has children. I do not feel I'm any less financially responsible, but my score will always suffer, because my positive credit data will differ from the norm (card mix, spending/payment patterns, usage/balances, etc.). That's just my personal situation, different in details but I think the same in concept as yours, George. Sorry for the long post, and if you've read this far thank you for hearing me out. The system has inequities for those with credit problems and it also has inequities for those without and both are interesting and valid topics for creditnet, IMHO. (whew, I feel better now ( I hope you will too, George and not leave)
George, this is not first grade honey, It would be to bad if you left but is this the way that you need to be shown that you are cared about? How many times have you done this now? You advice is great, and I myself would be sad to see you go, but lets not act like this ok? Please do not take this as a put down...I myself have noticed your little scuffles with other posters the last few weeks JUST BLOW THEM OFF. It doesn't matter WHY you are here. We are all glad that you came, even if you REALLY are leaving this time.
Checkout the nutcase letter thread. George got into a minor scrap with Guppas. Folks...enough already with the flaming. Veterans, give the newbies a break and please strive to be more diplomatic in your posts when you are trying to give them some insight into things the should know concerning the fundamentals of the board. Newbies...like the "primer" says...read, read, read. Stay away from over-reacting to a post that you feel is flaming you. You may be taking things far more personally than you should.
George, I have an immense amount of respect for you, but less if you leave. Anyhow, isn't perfect credit to be achieved? And therefore, isn't it just one of the stages of growth in the life of a creditnetter? I am but a young grasshopper, looking to be taught the ways of the credit-worthy. You have achieved the final stage of creditnetters- perfect credit and the respect of this board -and therefore are one of the wise, dutifully bestowing credit knowledge on those of us willing to listen and learn. <insert best long face here> If that doesn't do it, here's the proverbial pat on the back and 'please don't leave us' whine. Or in George-speak(?), YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO LEAVE US SO BE QUIET AND SIT DOWN, GEORGE! (Spoken with the utmost respect, really) <insert co-dependant behavior here>
George...you are a big part of the reason I stick around now that I've got my credit straightened out! You and some of the other posters make my day...every day. If someone doesn't want to read your posts, then hey...there is an ignore feature. Why give them the satisfaction? (My guess is that a lot those persons are already on some ignore lists anyway). I rarely post a "please don't leave", but in this case, George...please don't leave. L
You are my friend GEORGE. Forget those other comments. You have taught me A LOT! Now - I am ready to read a new GEORGE message aarrf - dogman
Poor little George got his feelings hurted again, and with a little bit of prodding the rest of the board is quick to lift him up. IMHO let him leave. I don't take kindly to empty threats. Seeing how this opinion is in direct conflict with the majority of the board, I've said my two-cents and will leave it at that. I will not respond to this thread any more. Scott
George, Don't go!! You are my inspiration. Anytime I am turned down for a card that I should get with my perfectly clean Equifax report, I think to myself, "Wow, I'm in the same class with George, who has 24+ YEAR PERFECT CREDIT HISTORY--the haters don't want to give me a card! " And then I feel much, much better. cariba
I like George... He makes me laugh and he's one of the many people on this board whose advice I take to heart, even when it's not my post. Maybe those people who pick on George are jealous... what I wouldn't give to have no "baddies"... Please stay George, I wouldn't have as much fun with credit repair if you leave! prissypoo
Well I have to say that TOO MANY vets around here think they are credit gods! Of course the same question is going to get asked day after day many new people come to this board everyday and sometimes that darn search is not even working but even if it is working and someone asks a question that gets asked everyday WHO CARES! I thought this board was for everyone (remember this line) I did not know people who use this board had to ONLY use search. You guys get my point I think in this thread alone there has been what 3 different topic links that people have posted that "COULD" have mad George mad come on guys if you want to give help give it you should not give help ONLY to see your name on the board and feel like you are above everyone because you gave them advice or a link or pointed them in the right direction. We are here to help EVERYONE and answer those questions that we have answers for even if they get asked a lot .I am sure that when all of the "vets" came to this board they had many questions too.
George, Are you going to the "perfect credit" board? I don't think one exists. Credit comes in all shapes and sizes and experiences. I agree w/ Racer in that nonconformity to the scoring model is a HUGE issue and one that needs to be fought. As you've said yourself, "You're NEVER done." I hope that you continue to post.
GEORGE, Everyone gets pissed on every once in a while on the board, but that's LIFE. Don't worry about it. Personally, I don't think that you can stay away. Admit it, you're an CREDITNET ADDICT!! Charlie
GEORGE: What have I got to do to make you love me What have I got to do to make you care What do I do when lightning strikes me And I wake to find that you're not there What have I got to do to make you want me What have I got to do to be heard What do I say when it's all over And sorry seems to be the hardest word It's sad (so sad) It's a sad, sad situation And it's getting more and more absurd It's sad (so sad) Why can't we talk it over Oh it seems to me That sorry seems to be the hardest word What have I got to do to make you love me What have I got to do to be heard What do I do when lightning strikes me What have I got to do? What have I got to do? When sorry seems to be the hardest word