This sound right?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by SilentBob, Nov 5, 2002.

  1. SilentBob

    SilentBob Well-Known Member

    A few years ago I went to the dentist and wrote a check that bounced. I didnt hear from the dentist so I assumed he ran the check back thru.

    About six months ago I started getting letters from a company called National check control out of New Jersey. They are wanting around 150 bucks for a 13 buck or so check.

    There is no way Im paying that kinda cash for a 13 dollar check. The state where I live has a 25 check charge cap. The letters they have been sending are getting more and more threatening.

    First it was just gonna be turned in on my credit. the letter I got today says they COULD forward papers to have me arrested.

    My question is I didnt write the check to this people so can they sign a warrant for a bad check against me or they just trying to blow smoke up my bottom?

    Im willing to pay the dentist 38 bucks but Im not gonna pay close to 150 for a 13 buck check that I assumed went thru almost 3 years ago?

    Any Suggestions?

    as always thank you for the replies
  2. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Check the statute of limitations on bad checks would be my first suggestion. I would also suggest writing back and asking this place to validate. Often times, they don't get the check they are trying to collect on. In fact, often times the checks are destroyed after a time. Good luck!

  3. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Two more reasons of many good reasons not to pay on anything but the original check.
  4. SilentBob

    SilentBob Well-Known Member

    So I should try to get them to validate. If they cant produce the check tell them to leave me alone?
  5. enigma

    enigma Well-Known Member

    First validate.

    Then check the laws in NJ. Here in FL in order for holder of a bad check to get criminal convction, they have to jump through some very high hoops.

    Check with your bank to make sure you actually did bounce the check.

    Again check NJ laws for the actual language on the collection of fees.

    In my own case I am suing a CA for attempting to collect fees that they in fact could not under FL law. I am suing under the FDCPA.

    Good Luck.
  6. enigma

    enigma Well-Known Member

    Some more thoughts, a CA cannot threaten to have you arrested. That is a violation of the FDCPA.

    If that is the case, first validate, give it 30 days then send them a demand letter for a $1,000.
  7. SilentBob

    SilentBob Well-Known Member

    After reading the letter again they claim they sent it certifed and it was sent regular mail . Im beginning to think these people are full of poop
  8. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Make them send you a copy of the green card.

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