GEORGE, you know that the majority of people on this board DO NOT feel the same way as one or two posters. And I personally do not blame you for getting upset over some uncalled for comments. But please don't punish the rest of us by leaving. Where would we be without the GEORGE-factor????? Even if you don't make a dramatic "re-appearance", just sneak back in and we will know you are here!!!!
George, Come on. You are the glue that holds this crazy thing called Creditnet together. You add delight to my otherwise dismal day. You have inspired me to improve not only my credit but my whole financial picture. I think it is great you have had great credit and are still suffering at the mercy of FICO like the rest of us. If you're cut do you not bleed like the rest of us? If you apply for a card and are denied, do you not lose points? George, we are all in this thing called life together and you do not escape it alive. I don't really know what that last point means or how it relates, but it sounded good. I guess what I really want to say is don't leave, please. Help me keep the MAN'S foot off my neck.
George, please come back! Although I've only been here a short time, I've come to enjoy your posts.You have a way of making your point accurately, while maintaining a wonderful sense of humor. You have MY respect! and that of many others. Please reconsider. You are needed here. Radi8
I am adding my concern and .02 cents to this .... GEORGE PLEASE STAY!!!!!! My song contribution is Envogue's "Don't go" .... George, we ALL need you on this board, plus we miss your creative posts. Don't let an argument on CN get the best of you... You are MUCH better than that!!!!! UNLV34
ok George, here we gooooooooo! Hear the flick? (that's the sound of the bic lighter) Looks like the c-netters are doing Elton John for you, so give me your arm... Oh wait, gotta grab marc, charlie and BBee. Ok, everyone get your arms around the waist of a beloved c-netter and let the swaying begin! WAIT, let KHM in, anyone with news as great as hers should be by your side, George! Ohhhhhhhhh alright, I'm a sucker for Doc with tears in his eyes, sniff sniff, c'mon Doc(k). LOL, yep that was for LBrown, get on in here! Alrighty everyone linked at the waist? Let's sway!!!!!!! SING, SING, and SING some more. Uh oh, there's a song happening, singgggggggg sing a song, sing out loud, sing out strong.... There we go, we are a team -- the WHOLE of us! Grab a c-netter -- heck, c'mon Hawg! Don't worry that it's not good enough for anyone else to hear, just singggggggggggg, sing a song! Flick, Sway, Sing! Sassy This is where you sneak in with an awwwwwww shucks, George -- take the warm fuzzies you need and practice your font finger for the rest w!w.
ME QUITTE PAS If you go away on this summer day Then you might as well take this sun away All the birds that flew in a summer sky When our love was new And our hearts were high When the day was young And the night was long And the moon stood still For the nightbird song If you go away If you go away If you go away But if you stay I'll make you a day Like no day has been or will be again We'll sail on the sun We'll ride on the rain We'll talk to the trees And worship the wind And if you go, I'll understand Leave just enough love To fill up my hands If you go away If you go away If you go away Il faut oublier Tout peut s'oublier Qui s'enfuit déjà Oublier le temps Des malentendus Et le temps perdu A savoir comment Oublier ces heures Qui tuaient parfois A coups de pourquoi Le coeur du bonheur Ne me quitte pas Ne me quitte pas Ne me quitte pas Moi je t'offrirai Des perles de pluie Venues de pays Où il ne pleut pas Je creuserai la terre Jusqu'après ma mort Pour couvrir ton corps D'or et de lumière Je ferai un domaine Où l'amour sera roi Où tu seras reine Ne me quitte pas Ne me quitte pas Ne me quitte pas
George...ya just CAN'T leave! Who else can I count on to respond to my posts???? We neeeeeed ya!!!! L
Ode to George One day I wrote George's name upon the strand, But came the waves and washed it away: Again I wrote George's name with a second hand, But came the tide, and made my pains his prey. Vain PsychDoc, said the tide, that dost in vain assay A mortal thing so to immortalize! For I myself shall like to this decay, And eek my name be wiped out likewise. Not so (quoth I), let baser things George devise To die in dust, but George shall live by fame: My verse your virtues rare shall eternize, And in the heavens write his glorious name; Where, whenas George's Creditnet death shall all the world subdue, Our love shall live, and later George's Creditnet participation renew. Doc
I am a complete newbie here, but I have read back through several months worth of postings, and have always enjoyed GEORGE's posts. George, come back! You have so much wisdom and advice to offer those of us just starting out. You would be much missed, even by those of us who haven't been posting long.
DON'T STOP If you wake up and don't want to smile, If it takes just a little while, Open your eyes and look at the day, You'll see things in a different way. Don't stop, thinking about tomorrow, Don't stop, it'll soon be here, It'll be, better than before, Yesterday's gone, yesterday's gone. Why not think about times to come, And not about the things that you've done, If your life was bad to you, Just think what tomorrow will do. Don't stop, thinking about tomorrow, Don't stop, it'll soon be here, It'll be, better than before, Yesterday's gone, yesterday's gone. All I want is to see you smile, If it takes just a little while, I know you don't believe that it's true, I never meant any harm to you. Don't stop, thinking about tomorrow, Don't stop, it'll soon be here, It'll be, better than before, Yesterday's gone, yesterday's gone. Don't you look back, Don't you look back.
Count me in to sign the Petition for George! Come back - we miss YOU! It wouldn't be the same without you - and I mean that as a HIGH compliment. Mommy2cats
Hey George, I don't believe you want to leave this board. No...No...No... You are just joking can't do just think you can... You've got to SHOW UP again...OK...
OMG... I go out of town and look what happens! It will NOT be the same with out my Daddy G.... ;-) PLEASE.... don't go!!!!!!!!!!!!
GEORGE... COME BACK, COME BACk, COME BAck, COME Back, COME back, COMe back, COme back, Come back, come back.... OK, if you don't get it thats the echo of me SCREAMING IT FROM THE ROOF TOP! We love you here man... it wouldn't be the same without you. Kit.
Please come back George! As a newbie I have really admired your great advice and interesting & informative posts -- and we need you! Without you the board will lose one of its greatest contributors