I sent them to box 674406 Houston, TX, 77267. I read somewhere here a while back that someone sent thiers to GA and EQ used that as an excuse to add two weeks processing time. Although I think EQ was wrong, and you could probably win that fight easily enough, I think it's better to remain as stealthy as possible to get the full benefit. But that's just my take. It seems whenever the CRA goes more than 30 days, it takes another 30 days to win the fight to have those things removed. CSC is so process negligent anyhow... I'd rather deal with them than Equifax any day. Good luck whichever road you choose!
Yes, EQ will tell you that they can't even start the dispute until they send it to the proper affiliate. Whether they can do that or not, I'm not sure. But, you really don't want to deal w/ them adding more time on later.
That's a very good point. Just don't pick up the mail, and then you won't have to sign and you'll gain a few days. Sneaky bastards. I'm going to try my hardest to get them there before Thanksgiving, but if they don't get there in time, I know that they will be overwhelmed anyway. I guess we can all state that anytime during the holidays is good enough. I do have one observation...won't the CRA's be working the day after Thanksgiving as a result of so many people shopping and applying for credit. Do you think these employees will be strictly focused on the instant credit apps or will they focus on disputes as well?
There are a lot of differing opinions regarding this. Some are disputing on-line, some CRRR. I am personally disputing via CRRR because you actually have a signature, whereas on-line you just have a printout. I personally feel that doing it on-line kind of goes against one of main principles of CHOD which is innundating them with paper. With on-line disputes, they see it, electronically submit it for review with the creditor and that's it. The odds of it coming back withing the 30 days is higher. With a paper CRRR dispute, it may actually sit on someone's desk for a couple of days due to the holidays, lack of staff and increase in work. Anyone got any other opinions on this?
I agree as well. One other factor with online disputes...if they SAY there was a computer problem, they didn't get it, but will put it into dispute mode for you right away. Hard to believe any court in the land wouldn't consider their action to be "acting in good faith." They'd get away with it. I think since timing MATTERS for CHOD, no point in chancing losing out. (Unless you just can't afford the postage. Then you do the best you can with what you have to work with.) DemPooches
Good point DemPooches. Computers just aren't as reliable as we would believe. I know that there are several creditnetters who are going to send their dispute via on-line. I would like to hear their side as well so that we can thoroughly see all sides regarding this.
When we dispute items on our credit reports, should we be asking for tradeline deletions or simply corrections? In other words, if I have a 60-day late on my Discover card from two years ago, but an otherwise solid history with them (which presumably helps me), I don't really want the tradeline deleted, but simply the 60-day late removed. Can you dispute a particular notation and not have the whole line item removed? Thanks, LM
You can, in theory. The only problem with disputing this w/ the CRA is, if the OC doesnt' respond within the 30 days, the entire tradeline gets deleted. It's near impossible to get it reinserted afterwards. I had a positive tradeline deleted for the same reason. It's still gone. Your safest bet in your situation is to try the goodwill letter. If it's just one late, you have a good chance of having the OC remove the late, while leaving a positive tradeline.
Thanks Tracy. I have one other question. Many of the negative tradelines on my credit report are also on my wife's report because we hold most things jointly. When we do disputes, do we need to send separate letters on our individual behalfs? Also, if I'm able to get something removed that she isn't, is that good data to have on hand to blast them for not properly verifying? Thanks, LM
ArmySarge, dont' mail to EQ in Atlanta. Send it directly to CSC (no matter how sick that makes you feel!). All Eq is going to do is forward the dispute to CSC. By that time, you have lost the momentum CHOD was intended for. I did this once. It took 2 1/2 weeks to show up at CSC. The clock started at CSC 2 1/2 weeks into my dispute. You could argue this point, but they state clearly in their form letter that sending disputes anywhere but Houston will result in "excessive delays." Why bother?
logicalman, yes, I would think that you and your wife should do separate letters. I did with our accounts. Maybe someone here has had luck w/ doing letters jointly, I haven't heard anything. Might be something to look into. Maybe you can be a trendsetter! LOL
Re: **CHOD**, and all that it impli So, it appears that I cannot send my dispute to Experian - as I have an affiliate (Credit Data SW)? Darn.... they are horrible there. They refused to investigate several accounts when I had letters from the CA. (although each time the CA did their job and deleted). Mommy2cats
Re: **CHOD**, and all that it impli I posted in another thread about talking to EQ yesterday. The CSA told me that they were already backed up and had been since late summer. She also stated after questioning, "anyone that has vacation time built up, can and usually do, take vacation during the holidays". I laughed and played dumb and asked about all the instant credit apps that the stores always try to push on you Christmas shopping. She said basically, "oh well, I guess we'll get really backed up".
Re: **CHOD**, and all that it impli Anyone have a good BK (Ch 7) dispute letter that has worked in the past? How about a good "Included in Bankruptcy" removal sample? I'm extremley good at creating my own letters but I want to see what's been out there in the past. Thanks.
Re: **CHOD**, and all that it impli LisaMc, Thanks for your input. And you are correct with your statements. As a matter of fact, I did my letters last night, put my CRRR stickers all over them and addressed them to my servicing CSC in El Paso. Funny thing...last night I felt I should just do the right thing and mail them there....hmmmm...do the right thing during CHOD? LOL Have a great Day All!
CRRR versus on-line My take on it is: CRRR disputes get delayed putting into the system not totally due to lack of employees. Credit card offers are manually processed by the cc companies, which electronically hits the CRAs database for score in order to approve or deny. In most cases, CRA employees do not spend time on this. What adds to the back up is that the computer systems and databases are operating at peak performance to handle all of the credit requests, and so as not to bring the system down, employees do not manually enter the CRRR disputes until the computers can handle the requests electronically. So if you enter your dispute on-line, you've just done the CRA employee's work for them and your dispute falls into que to be handled by the computer system. However, if it follows the CRRR path, it may be entered by the employee into a shadow database and batch entered into thier computer system when it can handle it. And throw into the mix that the mailroom probably has mailed backlogged several days before it even gets sent to an employee. Ultimately, the companies extending credit are paying the CRA for the service of accessing our credit reports, whereas they don't make any money from us. Therefore, they will give preference to those companies before handling our disputes.
Excellent post Mike! I think that we've made a really solid case for sending in those letter via CRRR and not on-line. You are right...why do their job for them. The whole point of CHOD is to keep that letter sitting around (signed for, of course) for as long as humanly possible.