In case anyone is trying to locate any of their CA's. Thought this might come in handy...
I emailed the lady that I paid at the library, I will post it in uno momento...she says she will try to help me.
Here is my email to her...and her reply is below. I am still waiting. This was yesterday. Miss Nice library lady :0, Sorry to bother you again, but do you any advice as far as dealing with Unique management? I am trying to convince them to remove that collection from my credit report, but they seem very unwilling to budge. It appears that they conveniently had my wrong address and telephone number so I never heard from them about that collection. They are bringing my score down since it is now listed as a recent paid collection account.I think it hurt my score worse when I paid it, but it was the right thing to do. Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again, Me and she said... Thank you for contacting me concerning your account. I will certainly look into the situation for you with my contact at UMS. Our records indicate the account as "paid in full" as should your credit report. The account charges were legitimate and your dispute of them did not "purge" it from the credit report, but your payment did resolve the account, and that is what you should see on your credit report. The library certainly appreciated your resolution of the delinquent account. I am sorry if you feel it hurt more than helped, that was not our intention. One would hope that any creditor reading it should understand you were unaware of the account due to your moving out of state, and once you did become aware of it, you resolved the matter as quickly as you could. If this is unacceptable to your creditor and you, I will attempt to have the account "purged" from your credit report. I'm not sure in what kind of time line it will occur as yet, but I should let you know something within a day or two. Thank you again. Sincerely, xxxxxx Circulation Supervisor
Wow that's great. The head librarian I spoke to was adamant about NOT helping me. She basically said - it was my fault... I was given enough time... when a debt is unpaid it's sent to collections... there's nothing she could about it... yada yada yada. So as of yet I don't know what I'm going to do.
I can give you the email addy of the person that recieves the info from the library. I emailed them and recieved a letter from them in a few days. Not what I wanted to hear, but i know someone actually read it.
I forgot to add that my situation was similar to yours. I moved and I'm assuming the books were lost during the move as I haven't been able to find them... I barely remember checking them out. I never received anything in the mail from the library or Unique and when I pulled up my report in April there it was. I immediately called the library and paid it not realizing I was doing more damage than good.
The lady I was talking to and paid is from a TX library where the alleged books were checked out from. I used to live there. I dont rememebr them, but I guess I lost em. The email I can give you is who she emailed at unique to update my acct. emails me and I'll send it to you, atleast it will open lines of communication..or you can check their webiste and get some info. have you dealt with them yet? Maybe validation? nutcase? Im not sure what I'll do if this library lady cant get it cleared.
No I didn't send anything to Unique yet. I did a search on this sight and from what's been posted Unique is very hard to deal with. I don't think anyone but DanceRat has been able to get them off their report but that was because she didn't pay it. I believe Robin sent the validation and/or nutcase letter(s) to no avail.