Cross Country Bank Lawsuit

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by ncogngro, Nov 6, 2002.

  1. ncogngro

    ncogngro Well-Known Member

    Hi all:
    Has anyone heard about the Cross Country Bank lawsuit that occurred several months ago???
  2. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    <chuckle> Which one? I sued them in federal court a few months ago. That the one you are talking about? Just kidding...mine settled. I know there was at least one other suit going on because their paralegal mentioned it and one of the letters I received had his name...Dear Mr. so and so.

  3. kbns625

    kbns625 Member

    I think you are referring to a class action lawsuit from around August. I believe it was in my August statement included a small print flyer which said "Jones. Smith, et al vs. CCB Settlement", inside you had a choice to either accept a $125 credit line increase for no charge or a $30 annual fee reduction (spread out @ $7.50 over 4 years) - yeah, like anyone is going to hold that card for 4 years. Anyway you had to mail it back to some lawyers by October 31st to be eligible, if your account was no longer in good standing you got choice #2. The reason for the lawsuit was about ridiculas fees for accounts opened before January 2002.


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