Sometimes we think we have problemsâ?¦ My brother has a friend who was arrested, convicted and sentence to 180 days in jail due to a DUI. This friend has 12 days to take care of his affairs before he must report to complete his sentence. The friend is single but owns a mobile home, a car and a few CC's. Of course this guy is in a panic about rent, car and CC payments. I suggest that he call all his creditors and have the bills sent to a TRUSTED family member to have them pay them, but his savings will not last the 180 days without pay. He had to take an unpaid leave of absent from work. He is thanking God they are allowing him to return to work they could have easily fired him. I told him to pay the rent on the mobile home, make the car payments and the most minimums on the CCs. His reply was he has about 2/12 months saving then his broke. His lawyer bills sucked up most of his savings and he still owes the lawyer. He did make arrangements with the lawyer to start payments after his sentence is up. He doesn't really have any family members that can loan him the money, when he was over he started to cry. I didn't even know what to say to him, my mindset for the last three years has/is pay all your bills on time paying off as much as possible. I don't know how to tell him just don't pay them. Some irony is that his license was revoke for a minimum of 1 year up to a max of 5 years and his car will be booted for 90 days. So if he stopped making payments and they repo it, the repo company has to wait till the mandatory boot is removed. It's amazing what three beers in less then two hours will do to your life. Does anyone have an advise that I can pass on to this guy?
Just curious...What state are you in? That is a tough system to go to jail for your first DUI. Or is it his first?
We're in Michigan, this guy just turned 34 back when he was 19 he got a impaired driving and caught with a open intoxicate (I think I spelled that right) but that was what 15 years ago. So does this count has his 1st I don't know?
I was thinking the same thing. Does he have any friends who would be willing to loan him money to cover his bills? If he doesn't tell him to set up a paypal account, and I'll send some money (won't be much though) if, and only if, this is his first offense. Maybe others would chip in too.
Just saw your reply. Tell him to open the paypal account, and I'll send something within the next few days.
PayPal never thought about that. I'll suggest it. What about purchasing that credit protection crap the credit card companies are always trying to sell? Would that work in this case? If he bought it now and made his min payments till he ran out of money then put in a claim saying he is lay-off for the remaining 4 months. That might keep his CCs in good standing. I've never purchased it so I don't know how it works.
Hi. I am in Michigan as well. I am in the Ann Arbor area. You mentioned that he needs to pay an attorney? I think that he needs to get a new one... Perhaps while he is in jail he can think about how glad he is he didn't get kill someone. I hate to sound harsh, as I do understand he is your friend. I however lost what was to be my first son who was to be born via c-section 2 weeks later due to a drunk driver. The driver behind me lost his wife. I think about my son every day and will always have the emergency c section scar to remind me. Every time I get dressed I am reminded of her stupidity. Every Thanksgiving (that is when this happened) instead of giving thanks for what I DO have I can't help but wonder what it would be like to have what she took from us... The driver had blown a .08 which is just at the "impaired" level here in Michigan. She was a 30 year old woman that weighed about 100 pounds. She had 2 1/2 beers at the bar. That wench only got 180 days jail time and lost her driving privileges for 5 years. She literally got away with murder and only had a public defender.
Ohnostuck I do not believe you are being harsh in anyway. I was just as critical as you were when I heard the story. I gave him my two cents as well, but knowing the guy and talking with him he takes 100% responsibility for his actions and blames no one but himself. He believes if the courts want he to do jail time he will do it with out question. He knows he screwed up he just doesn't want to continue down that path with this credit. He'll tell you three beers ruined his life. On a personal note, my sister-in-law lost her first child by reckless driver (he was not drunk, just driving stupid) and when he went to court to try to fight the ticket she appeared too to inform the judge that she lost her child due to the accident the driver changed this plea to guilty.
What about purchasing that credit protection crap the credit card companies are always trying to sell? Would that work in this case? If he bought it now and made his min payments till he ran out of money then put in a claim saying he is lay-off for the remaining 4 months. That might keep his CCs in good standing. ^^ That sounds like fraud. I dont think after his stupidity for driving like he did, he'll want to face felony fraud charges and spend a few more years in jail. I'm sorry as a father, i must say you have to pay the consequences for what you do, and thats one thing you just don't do. Why don't you be a chap and pay his minimum payments and rent for him? He could assign power of attorney to you and you could cash advance his credit cards to pay for each credit card and rent and stuff while he's in the clink, maybe put some of his money on the books so he can buy some smokes? That would work. You could even apply for new credit for him while he's in jail if he doesn't have enough credit to float. That way when he gets out he has good credit and a pile of bills to pay off to remind him of his stupidity. sorry i can't but be sarcastic, but i was serious about the idea.
Sam has a great idea if he has enough available credit. Just do the cash advance for whatever he'll need prior to reporting to jial and have someone write the checks as the bills come due.
Yes, I think Sam is right!. Apply for a card on his name and transfer or Cash advance the money you will lend him for the min payments on his others cards.
Sorry to hear that ohnostuck... Well, I have about zero sympathy for your friend Desdemona, but if the advice given above about keeping his credit together should get him started and keep his credit semi decent through this ordeal.
The other way is to close down. If he breaks his lease (or sells the thing, it's not clear to me if he owns or rents), and sells his car, he cuts his expenses to just the CC stuff, and he should have enough to hold him through. He should make sure to put enough aside to get on his feet again; if that means stiffing the CCs, so be it. I did that once when I was sent to FL for a 9 month job. Saved me a ton of money.
Has he tried to work out a deal with the court to let him serve on weekends? I know that in some cases they will do that. Obviously it would take awhile but at least he wouldn't be detroyed. ???
If he does cash advance, instead of having someone write the checks (which is a big burden) have him get money orders BEFORE he goes away, that way all someone has to do is throw a stamp on it and he's good to go.
If he doesn't have enough credit and cannot get anymore, maybe he should think about auctioning off his big assets like his car and trailer, furniture and appliances, etc. I realize that he might not get what he wants out of these items monetarily, but he could put the money in a savings account and it would be there when he gets out. By going the auction route, he could get rid of everything fast! I got a dui about 6 years ago, and it ruined my life. If I would have thought about it, I would have done exactly what I posted above. Whatever does happen, I am glad that he realizes the error of his ways, and is never going to make that mistake again.
Another thought.... Maybe I watch too much TV, but don't they get time off "for good behavior", isn't it about 1/2? What I'm getting at, is maybe he won't have to spend the full 6 mths, and only 3-4. If he has 2 1/2 months in savings, maybe he won't be in unrecoverable shape. Might be worth asking his attorney about. Just my 2 cents (its about all I have left!)
If he can take out a big cash Advance and leave the money for someone to pay.And just worked to pay it off when he gets out.
Does he have a 401K setup at his work. If he has one he should cash out of it. I know the tax consequences are harsh (approx. 1/3 goes to the gov.) but then again he has to do everything possible to pay off HIS BILLS before he asks for any help. Also, couldn't he rent out his mobile for a few months. Try to find someone who will make the space rent pmts and utility pmts. If this is below market value then he should easily find someone. Maybe you could serve as the "property mngr" and collect the rent.