1 judgement = 60 points?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by david1, Nov 6, 2002.

  1. david1

    david1 Well-Known Member

    I just got a 5 year old judgement deleted in experian and the fico simulator is showing that the score will improve by 50 to 60 points which will put me in the 700 club. I just disputed without mentioning the bk(it was listed in bk anyway).

    Is there any way to check the real fico score just for experian without applying for a mortgage.
  2. sl1029

    sl1029 Well-Known Member

    There have been several recent threads on the effect of having judgments removed.....based on those (and the fact htat the credit simulator is kind of crappy) I wouldn't expect 60 points.

    Old judgments being removed do not have as much an impact as if the judgment were newer. And particularly if you still have other negatives....I think the most I've read about here is a score jump of 20 pts, but many have been in the single digits.

    However, if you're current experian score is showing 640, you may well already qualify for a mortgage. Check out your Equifax score and see whtat that is, if it is in the mid-600s then you might just go ahead and have the lender pull all three scores.
  3. Igotarock

    Igotarock Well-Known Member

    Did you just dispute it as "not mine"?
  4. jm10101

    jm10101 Well-Known Member

    I disputed a 6 yo judgment off my TU report this month. It was pretty big.

    My score went up 4 points, however I still have two smaller and ore recent ones on the report. My guess is I'll see the biggest increase when I get the last one off.
  5. david1

    david1 Well-Known Member

    I disputed it as incorrect dates.

    This is the only delinquent item I have in the report. I think when the last delinquent one comes off, the score will improve a lot. When the delinquent moved from 4 to 3 to 2, I did see just couple of points moved up.

    Did anybody dispute hard enquiries with experian?
  6. phxbbw6ft1

    phxbbw6ft1 Well-Known Member

    I recently got a judgement of and I only went up 4 points...bummer.
  7. phxbbw6ft1

    phxbbw6ft1 Well-Known Member

    First make sure that the address u lived at at the time of the judgement isn't listed on your report. I disputed the address and they removed it and I waited a couple months, disputed the judgement and it came off.

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