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I've never done this lawsuit thing

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Quixote, Aug 6, 2002.

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  1. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: Waiting for the results..

    I wonder if it's possible that the attorney for the opposing side simply printed out this thread and sent it over to the judge who then, in turn, misread your litigation attempt as a racketeering-like attempt to extort money from the plaintiff. It's quite possible that your image before the judge transformed from that of a daring citizen who is protecting his rights into a opportunistic bozo from a website which encourages people to profiteer at the expense of hapless creditors. Armed with this thread, it would have been very easy for the defendant's attorney to paint that picture for the judge.

  2. PAE

    PAE Well-Known Member

    Re: Waiting for the results..

    Sadly, that might not be far from the truth...
  3. LisaMc

    LisaMc Well-Known Member

    Re: Waiting for the results..

    Doc, I really hope for us all that you aren't right, but you could have hit the nail on the head.
  4. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    Re: Waiting for the results..

    I think I hear Greg snickering now.

  5. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Re: Waiting for the results..


    That never came up. The trial was only ten minutes long, if that. The Macy's rep only gave a few sheets to the Commissioner, which I looked at. It was all letters I had written or that had been sent to me. I honestly don't think there's any secret villain here. Greg's antics were a non-issue. A side show. Fact is, as much as I'd like to blame it on Greg, Ms. Dugan, the Commissioner, or somebody, anybody, I can't.

    I went to all this trouble for a couple of reasons. One is that I felt, and still feel in my bones, that I was and am right. The second reason I was willing to go in unawares to court, is that I had so very little to lose. That negative tradeline will fall off in 7-8 months anyway. And one inquiry one way or the other, ehhh, so what? It was always the principle of the thing.
  6. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    Re: Waiting for the results..

    Quixote's tag line:

    "Subversive, yet articulate."- G. Fisher
    "Slimy, yet satisfying."- Pumbaa

    Hakunaaaa Matata, Quixote!

    I just posted in another thread, all that Judge did was to allow madam Ellen to freely pull everyone's report in response to a dispute. She won't always be before the same judge -- it's just a matter of time!

  7. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Re: Waiting for the results..

    I think I hear Greg snickering now.

    I thought of that. It's a wonder he hasn't posted some sort of I told you so.

  8. Pat

    Pat Well-Known Member

    Re: Waiting for the results..

    It took me an hour to read this entire post. Sorry about the outcome, It looked like you had them.

    Not everyone is out to change the system. Most of us are here to repair our credit by any legal means available. You seem to be concerned with the assumption that Qui lied when using the nutcase and other letters to try and rid himself of a negative tradeline that may have been accurate.

    We had a conversation about this back in June of last year.

    I have three questions for you:
    Whats it to you that Qui is using a legal means to try and rid himself of a negative tradeline?
    Why did you contact Macy's?
    What did you really hope to gain from that contact?
  9. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Re: Waiting for the results..

    Sorry to hear that.
    Kangaroo courts -Monkey Judges.[LB 59QUOTE]Originally posted by Quixote
    I lost. Utterly and completely-no silver lining- no moral to the story-lost.

  10. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Re: Waiting for the results..

    You want to hear something funny?

    They removed the inquiry from my Experian CR.

    Ay yi yi yi yi....
  11. humblemarc

    humblemarc Well-Known Member

    Re: Waiting for the results..


    i think maybe they thought about it. "this guy might take this thing to a higher court, and sue for real damages, where the judge isn't a golfing buddy of ours. Legally, he is totally in the right. let's just minimize our damages and delete the inquiry. Just in case. . . "

  12. javan

    javan Well-Known Member

    Re: Waiting for the results..

    Congrats bro, that's good to hear!
  13. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Re: Waiting for the results..

  14. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member

    Re: Waiting for the results..

    I'm sorry for your loss Quixote...but I wonder

    Did Macy's remove it? Or did the CRA? Didn't you dispute it with them after you filed suit...something about fraud if I remember correctly.

    Maybe they stayed quiet and it fell off after 30 days?

    Sure would like to know why.
  15. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Re: Waiting for the results..

    That's my suspicion.
  16. drmgirl6

    drmgirl6 Well-Known Member

    Re: Waiting for the results..

    Absolutely wonderful! BIG CONGRATS, Quixote! It was a great victory but, unfortunately, we lost something along the way here at CreditNet. We lost our comfort level of being able to share our credit problems thinking that we were all about the same thing here. The bad part about it was that this was not a "brand spanking new" person with 1 or 2 posts to his credit. I feel as if I've been "ambushed" and in the future, will restrict my personal posts to talking in "generalities" instead of "specifics." I do, at the time, have a lawsuit pending and will be glad to share the outcome when its over. I still think the board is a good one and the people are very helpful.
  17. TedTX

    TedTX Well-Known Member

    Re: Waiting for the results..

  18. The Kid

    The Kid Well-Known Member

    Re: What Would Trip Up an OC?

    He got deletion of an impermissible inquiry.

    What evidence do you have that the inquiry was permissible? Any evidence at all?

    You are a complete moron. May I suggest that you apply for a position with a credit bureau? You seem like a good match! LMAO ;)
  19. G. Fisher

    G. Fisher Banned

    Re: What Would Trip Up an OC?

    That statement is absolutely correct. In fact, it is overkill.
    I have none.
    No, I have none.

    Do you have any evidence that I said that it was permissible? Any evidence at all?
    Be sure to reply.
    I'm good with spreadsheets. I'll apply for the Lotus Position.
    Ha! Ha! What a hoot!
    Oh, man! Funny stuff! Hoooo-wweee! Are you the unidentified clod on the phone from yesterday who asked about this?

    The consumer said, "When I called them last, I would have gladly traded this whole thing for a delete of the inquiry and an additional delete of a six year old Macy's paid charge off which shows up on my TU report."

    If consumers and creditors use credit histories as bargaining chips, the rich will have the best credit reports regardless of their record of payments.
  20. The Kid

    The Kid Well-Known Member

    Re: What Would Trip Up an OC?

    Mr. Fisher-

    I sincerely apologize for my remark above.

    You are 101% correct that this was a frivolous effort to create INACCURATE credit information. I believe that your actions regarding this issue should be applauded, and I am 101% sincere. :)

    Check for my post in the thread where you discussed the banking system, etc...
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