I think that it would be fun to make a creditnet hall of fame and give titles to different members. LOL I will start DOC- Most likely to be president. LKH- Most likely to succeed Nave- Most likely to point you in the right direction to answer the same 20 questions newbies ask on a daily basis. Momof3- Most likely to wanna chat. Lizardking- Most likely to become a famous writer. KHM- Most likely to get to be the newest creditnetter enjoying the hot FL sun. Fla-tan Most likely to get YOU that home of your dreams. NanaC Most likely to give you a kind word. Dogman Most likely to bark up your tree! Woohoo watch out! Brenda *the film maker smith* Mst likly two confuss the hell out of yew. ME- Most likely to put what is supposed to be 5 sentances in to 1, and to put commas where they don't belong.
breeze~The BEST lookin' 70-80ish lady you will ever see... The only lady who is older than her MOTHER...
ohnostuck I am truly honored to be included with such august company. To be named in the same post as Doc, Lizardking, KHM, Momof3, and all the rest is humbling. Let's also include: Creditsense-most likely to work your credit to the max for your benefit. Butch-most likely to have the answer on finances clc18940-most likely to know the legal answer ***edit mode on: Let's also not forget Greg-most likely to be irrassible, but who makes us think and be sure of what we say. ***edit mode off fla-tan
I don't quite know how or why you came up with this one, but I appreciate the compliment. The others, I think, are right on the mark. Don't forget Mark LA - most likely to sing you a song. Saar - most likely to know the Amex answer. Bobby - most likely to be a schmuck for life. LOL
***When you work on a GOLF COURSE with-out your hard hat...your bound to get hit in the head one too many times!!!
Sassy- Most likely to flick her Bic (if ya know what I mean Butch- Most likely to growl Mark La- Totally most liekly to fall off the credit inquiry recovery wagon. Breeze- Most likely to replace that damn Gecko in the Gieco commercials. (while on the beach) Smogtek- Most likely to be divorced (couldn't resist)
Are banned members eligible? If so, I nominate: pulse - Most Successful in Yanking Our Collective Chain (well, for a little while, at least) wajaba
Manequinne- Most likely to be up in the middle of the night with heartburn, and wondering how Spongebob Squarepants and the Road Runner can be happy without credit. ;-) Yes, I am an adult, and I watch cartoons!!! I am not ashamed (hiding my face) ;-)