Hi! I have a rather unique problem here. I live in McKees Rocks, PA just outside of Pittsburgh. My problem is a mayor in the borough who has been hassling me since I moved in. first it was working on my car in my garage, and lots in between. Now he has stooped to a new low even for him, and he is now playing collection agent on my garbage bill. I know he is not a licensed collection agent, and now having an arrest warrant for me, which i just found out about today. As far as I know, it is really none of his business if I pay my bills or not. He has even called the garbage company to "check" and see if I paid. I can prove that from the garbage company in a letter from them. I also have proof that The bill is paid in full. Like I said, this man has a warrant for my arrest on this. This makes me such a wreck that I am having trouble sleeping and makes me feel sick, and has upset my 11 yr old as well. In short, I want to sue this man and the borough. How much is in order here for me to sue for, I know the grounds would be for harassment. any other ideas? like impersonating a collection agency??? lol Shawn
I can't believe what I'm hearing is this mayor insane or what? If I was you I would go to one of the city council meetings and bring up all the crap he was doing to you in front of all the people there - he will freak.....lol
There has to be more to this story than you are including. How does he know you, are you his tenant or neighbor? If there is indeed a warrant for your arrest, (he might be blowing smoke here) you should get an attorney asap to deal with that.
Huh? Arrest for what? What are the charges? Not paying your garbage bill. I think there must be more going on that you are telling us. Is there REALLY a warrant, or is he just blowing smoke? Either way, I'd get a lawyer at this point.
let me clarify a few things on my mayor problem. My understanding is that he can't stand anyone under the age of 50. ( i am 38 ) My oldest son got into it with him over a basketball hoop, and that seemd to be the beginning of it. he gets verbally abusive with his yelling and screaming he does. My nephew had a car in my garage and i needed to move it out for a day. It was being restored. The borough has a ordinance about uninspected vehicles, which is a 5 day move it or lose it. He tried to tow it the same day, and did. This man also doubles as the oridinance officer as well. that was his origional job before he made mayor, so he is getting paid as both. He rides around in his car like a vulture, but he seems to like to go after me big time.he has cited me for working on my own vehicle in my garage, running a business in my garage, which I am not, as I was helping a volunteer fireman for the borough, and I have a signed statement from him as I attempted to help him, as he is down and out. That does not constitute a business when there was no payment. I have it from a friend of his and mine that he told her, he "wants me out of town" I did nothing to this man at all, never knew him before, and i just have no clue how to stop him.
do bill collectors/collection agancies have to be licensed in PA? I know he is not licensed, and I have the constables card here in front of me, which says " I have a warrant for your arrest"
Don't always know the legalities, but having a video camera handy might be helpful so you can prove anything if he confronts you or is abusive in person. Start documenting every single thing and get help. You need a lawyer who knows your areas laws. Make an appt pronto. You can save yourself and your family some of this anguish.
no, the fact of the matter is lack of payment, or so he believes. I have proof that it is paid. My feeling is that the mayor is NOT a collection agency, and is not licensed as such, and this is just another harassment avenue for him to try to use to continue to hassle me. There are no bounced checks, nothing of the sort. there was a mix up in the payment when i closed on the house, and I have a letter from the closing company saying it is their fault. I told him this, and figured that would be the end of it... well, i am wrong, as he has the arrest warrant. can you believe this?
This is unbelievable! My advice would be to contact an attorney as well as the state Rep. for your legislative district. Your Mayor is a nut. Good luck to you. Jeff
WHAT IS THE ARREST WARRANT FOR???? WHAT ARE YOU CHARGED WITH??? I don't know why you don't answer that.
DISPUTER | 232 posts since Sep 2002 | 11.08.2002 @ 11:34 WHAT IS THE ARREST WARRANT FOR???? WHAT ARE YOU CHARGED WITH??? I don't know why you don't answer that. +++++++++++++++++++++ "If I had known then what I know now, I would have paid cash" Re: Can I sue the mayor for harassment? sal826 | 415 posts since Jan 2002 | 11.08.2002 @ 11:47 I don't get it - what does this mayor have to do with your personal affairs? =================== I WONDER if the poster is putting us on.
some of you know me and the fact that none of my posts have been goofy. I am being charged with the following....I have nothing to hide here. "for the collection of garbage and rubbish, requiring adherence thereto and fixing penalties for violations thereof." (theft of service) had Mr. Mayor bothered to check all the facts, he would have seen that this was paid out of my mortgage proceedings. as usual, he did not bother to check his facts nor did he even say anything when I personally told him it was paid and offered to show him proof.He said "no, i don't need to see it". so I figured it was dropped. Like I said in a past post, what gives him the authority to look into my finances, and to call the garbage comapny, wanting to know if I paid him or not. And he rides by the house constantly. By the way, 90% of the police force can't stand this man, they think he is an idiot. it seems like he finds someone to pick on and just stays on them till they run away and hide. He did not win the election, he got the position by default, and he is "double dipping" by getting paid from the boro for being mayor AND ordinance officer. there is another ordinance office as well. He can't possibly be doing his mayorial duties when he rides around in his car all day like a vulture watching everyone. I found out also that I am not alone either.