pottery barn card/WFNNB

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by jk1, Nov 7, 2002.

  1. jk1

    jk1 Well-Known Member

    Does anyone have any experiences with or knowledge about this card? I was wondering if it is hard to get.

  2. $wealth$

    $wealth$ Well-Known Member

    I applied online and was denied. Currently waiting for their response to my reconsideration letter.

    Hopefully I will have luck, I do have other accounts with WFNNB
  3. jk1

    jk1 Well-Known Member

    good luck on that! I think I'll hold off.

    Thanks for the reply!
  4. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    I haven't been able to get anything through WFNNB
    :(. I've come to the realization that no matter how good one's score is, if you have high utilization, you might as well not bother applying...lol.

  5. jk1

    jk1 Well-Known Member

    Sorry to hear that- but it is good info to know!
  6. MandyB

    MandyB Well-Known Member

    My experience w/ WFFNB is that once they get something on your report it is VERY difficult to get off. If they say a payment is late or you close the acct or they have an incorrect balance listed from years ago, it takes months and numerous diputes to get them to report the accurate information. Just my experience but I would never want another acct from them again. Also, in their personal info policy they state that they share your info even if you close the acct (many ccs do this) but they also say that includes your credit score which I haven't seen in many disclosures.
  7. $wealth$

    $wealth$ Well-Known Member

    me again

    I think their credit cards are easier to get at point of sale via instant credit. That's how I got all of my other WFNNB accounts
  8. jk1

    jk1 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the info, everyone! I'll definitely wait on applying for that one!

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