Ladies and gents- I am having some personal issues, and I noticed I am bringing my current attitude into some of my posts. I apologize if I have offended anyone, it truely wasn't my intent. Hubby and I had a very bad day today. To try to make a long story short, my husband is court ordered to pay $83 a week in child support. When we got laid off he made arrangements with the ex to take their son more to help out seeing as we were only paying $40 a week. Well we HAVE to pay to the Office of CHild Support and not to the ex....long story short, the court order wasn't only for $83 a week but for WAGE ASSIGNMENT, well he wasn't working so he didn't have any wages. We received a letter today saying his license will be revoked 11/12/02, HE JUST GOT A JOB AS A DRIVER!!! I called the OFC of Child Support and they said he needs to physically appear, he leaves here from work at 3:30am and he hasn't been getting home until after 6pm. Child Support wouldn't let me sign anything and "need him to appear" So we're ina catch 22. He needs his license to work, child support is closed Monday (holiday he's off) and as of Tuesday he's got no license. Needless to say we have some home issues we need to figure out. I'm sure we'll figure everything out. And if you owe child support, pay all or NOTHING!!!! BTW his total arrears are $1,172.98 so it's not like he owes $100K. Keep us in your prayers! Kellie
KHM- I feel your pain. Just posted on child support issue. It sounds like you might have some experience here... look at my post if you have time. You are in our prayers.
There is something in CA and/or CO "RED" license (I THINK IT IS CALLED) TO AND FROM where else... HOW CAN YOU PAY IF YOU CAN'T DO YOUR JOB???
Kit- I'll check it out. George- THAT'S WHAT I SAID!!! I started to give her his new employer info and I said "so this will clear this license garbage" and she said "no he still needs to come down and have his financial affadavit notarized". I told her I'll com get the affadavit and have him sign it in front of the notary at the bank tomorrow. She said "HE NEEDS IT NOTARIZED BY ME" I said "I told her to tear up the work info I just gave her cause if he tells his employer he needs a day off his second week of work WITHOUT telling them why, they'll replace him, I said if he tells them WHY he needs the day off THEY'LL REPLACE him!!! I told him if they revoke his license he can't do his job HE'S A DRIVER!!!! She said "well he should have been paying the full amount" I said "I'm sorry, I'll make an apology on the news for HIM being the reason the economy sucks!!!" Anyway I got VERY hot under the collar and called her a name CU...... I asked her why they make it impossible to do the right thing, she said "The right thing is for you to mind your own business" then she hung up. My husband DID call her and told her the same thing about his work schedule and she basically said TOUGH and told him she would NOT speak to me regarding the case again. He's going to try to make me power of attorney over the child support issues, if that's even allowed! [end venting]
My father had a P.O.A. when mom was on a ship in HAWAII for 2 weeks and one of our houses was sold...(PRE FAX ERA)... You should be able to have a limited P.O.A.