Okay, this post has to do with child support... hoping not to get blasted out of the water here. My husband has a child in a foreign country. He has been paying the mother support directly since the child was born. Apparently, the government in the country where the child lives has a policy of collecting child support in a trust fund which is given to the child when they turn 18. The mother has no part in this at all, it is the government only. Unfortunately, my husband was not made aware of this... the US established a child support agreement with this country a few years back and they are collecting the back support with interest since birth. DO NOT MISUNDERSTAND... HE HAS NO PROBLEM PAYING THIS AND MORE FOR HIS CHILD-- THIS IS NOT THE ISSUE. The issue is with his credit report-- since the back support is considered in arrears, they are reporting him 180 days + late even though he is paying them every month (over 50% of his salary by the way). Anyone with any suggestions/experience with a similar issue, please respond. Any help appreciated. I am including the following part of the FCRA, hopefully I will get some interpretations which may be useful: § 622. Information on overdue child support obligations [15 U.S.C. § 1681s-1] Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, a consumer reporting agency shall include in any consumer report furnished by the agency in accordance with section 604 [§ 1681b] of this title, any information on the failure of the consumer to pay overdue support which (1) is provided (A) to the consumer reporting agency by a State or local child support enforcement agency; or (B) to the consumer reporting agency and verified by any local, State, or Federal government agency; and (2) antedates the report by 7 years or less.
Kit- How was your husband paying the support? If he can show cancelled checks or even get a notarized statement from the mother he can show that to the US Child Support office. US CHild Support has the WORST record keeping. They said my sons biodad owes $33 when I have a letter from them dated 9/10/02 saying he owes $723. The last payment I got from him was 8/15/02. My NOW hubby adopted him 8/8/02 but I am still due the arrears. I called our "state" child support office and brought this up how they harass my hubby when a pmt. gets their a DAY late, but the A-holes that don't care about their kids get a free ride! I told them to apply what's owed to me (if it's ever received) to hubby's past due support. Sorry, didn't mean to take over the thread. Have him stay on the US child supports @ss. Have them send everything via fax if possible, they claim a lot that things were sent by US Mail when they don't even send them. good luck!
KHM- he has already tried this... the mother did write a letter for him. They don't care... they say that the support they are collecting on is totally separate cause it goes into the trust fund, not to the mother. My hubby agrees that, in fact, this trust is a good idea-- he just wishes he had known about it 15 years ago when the darn thing was established. Se la vi. George- we do not want to dispute it "not mine"... somehow this just seems wrong. like he is disputing that the child is his. We have disputed the lates, but they verified. Right now, they have 2 separate tradelines reported, so we are trying to dispute one as a duplicate. But we still have those lates...
child support issues are really hard to get off your report. My husband has a similar story. He was paying cash, but DHS got involved and said he owed back support. It shows on his report 14 times 90+ days late. It's all paid off now, and falls off in a year or so, but we can't get it off sooner. I would start by writing letters to everyone you can think of. We wrote to all our senators, governors, AG, etc. We explained it all, and one of the senators even called us right back (prob. didn't hurt that it was an election year) He called DHS for us, but I don't think they will help in the end. The last time we disputed, it fell off TU. Will dispute w/ the other 2 during CHOD, though it's so old it's not hurting too much anymore! Good luck w/ your letter writing. It's honestly the only thing I can think of.
Yeah, I think we will just have to start writing. I am thinking that since the foreign support order was in place over 7 years ago... shouldn't it be obsolete and unreportable OR can they continue to report it as long as he is considered to be in arrears? Hoping for some input regarding the FCRA law... Anyone?
One tradeline DOLA is 5/2000... this was right after the order was transferred to the US. The other tradelines was created 3/2002 and the DOLA is 3/2002.
I should say that this is the date Exp gives... EX. this tradeline is due to go to positive status on 5/2007 , etc.. So it really isn't the DOLA, it is the DOFD.
Unfortunately, my best advice to you is to consult with an attorney who has handled this type of issue before. Contact your local bar association for a possible referral. The reason I am recommending this is because my husband has an ongoing battle with Child Support in San Diego County (California). He has never been late because payments have always been taken from his paycheck. But he is the victim of bad bureaucratic recordkeeping. The morons reported a collection debt of $58,700 to Experian for a child who is only nine years old. My husband was ordered in court and has paid 175 a month for his child since birth. Do the math. To date, we don't know where they got a large unpaid amount, but our attorney is working on it. We had spent the last 13 months letter writing, sending validation letters - the whole nine yards with no return letter, response or acknowledgement from San Diego. We finally consulted a lawyer who gave it to us in a nutshell. To correct your credit and make the child enforcement agency stop victimizing you, you have to file legal papers to request a hearing before a judge. Since we have retained legal counsel, we are finally getting responses and record audits. Best of luck in resolving your problem . . .