I recently recieved a preselected mastercard offer from Household Bank. Does anyone have any info on them? I would like to respond but not if they typically give low credit limits. My fico is 603 with truecredit (which I think is TU0. Thanks
yes, but you can get an increase after you build some good history with them. Also, they don't have all of the exhorbitant fees everyone else does. I think there is the annual, which with a score this low (me too at 622) we will have to bite for a while. But I've seen on EVERY other card - startup fees in excess of $120, fees for this, fees for that, etc etc - by the time you agree to all the fees you're left with $50 in available credit. HHB also has a VERY convenient website. I've made every payment on the site and it's smooth going....... Just my opinion, but HHB is the lesser of the evils on cc's for people like us. They've already reported my account to the CRA's as paid as agreeing after the first month.... I just paid them off 2 days ago - it'll be interesting to see how fast it's reported..... gargoyle girl
There kind of slow. its nov 9th and they still haven't reported ok for the month of oct. So they are pretty slow in reporting. Most of my other cards report in the middle of oct.
I got a card from them a few months back... they still haven't reported anything. PS. They will give you a $300 starter card.
HHB is 2 months behind in reporting to the CRAs for me. They also report the balance around the 27th of the month instead of the balance from my statement closing date of the 17th.
Thanks all. It looks like I will probably accept the offer (if the refinance of my house has finished by then). By the way, this card will come with no annual fee which is great. I now have three First Premier- all in good standing- but the fees are horrible. Two of them charge an annual fee and then they charge $6.00 monthly membership. All totaled, this means, according to the APR that they print on the monthly bill, that I'm paying %40 in interest!!! I thought this was usurious but since they actually print this info on their bill, they're probably exempt for the usury laws.
Anna, i just got another Best Buy card and applied for HH gold mastercard at the same time. The rep on the phone couldn't tell me if i was approved for HH card. How long did it take before you knew if you were approved. What was the limit in relation to your BestBuy card?
It probaly took about a month. I don't remember cause when I was instantly approved for the BB on line, I forgot about the Household MC. I went to the PO one day and there was one of those strange thick envelopes. The BB limit was 2500. Anna
I was also sent a pre approval for HH M/C they gave me a 500 CL no fee. They have not reported to EQ but they pulled a hard one there (?) before I got it . My fico was in the 570's
I wonder if they will issue a card to someone with no revolving accts? With a FICO of 665. No derogs. It seems like I applied with them before but was turned down but I can't find the inquiry.