I used to run during my sons naptime, til I became obsessed w/ credit repair. I was running 5 days a week, 5 miles a day. I got my credit reports, started to dwindle down to 3.5 miles 3 times a week, and then--no running at all!! LOL Of the 20 lbs I lost, I gained 10 back. Blah!! You can tell I'm ending my credit repair journey, because I read the board much faster now (It used to update too fast to keep up, but I can stay ahead now) and I actually stepped on the treadmill today. didn't go far, and only stayed on about 10 minutes, but I predict by the end of the week I'll be back up to 3 miles, at least. I blame it all on CREDITNET! (hey, gotta blame someone! LOL)
In the spirit of those who sue tobacco for *making them smoke* and McDonalds for "making them fat*... you may have grounds to sue and we would have to crown you the true "litigous nutcase."
Hey Tracy you know what? In the 2 months I have been here, I haven't gained any weight but I have gone up 2 pants sizes. Which is really really bad b/c while I was pregnant w/my son I gained 100 lbs (I did with all of my children, 97 to be exact) he is 7 months old and I had managed to loose all of it but still trying to get back in my size 6's, got into 8's now back in 10's. It really sucks. That is why I know I am going to have to start staying away. (BTW don't be surprised how much weight I gain b/c i have EXTREMELY large babies)
97 lbs???? AND you lost it all by 9 months? I think I liked you before. Now I'm sure I hate you. ;-) Just kidding. Still trying to lose the last 10 of the 60 I gained with my NINETEEN MONTH OLD. Grrrrrr. 'Course, I'm sure that sitting here waiting for new posts on CN isn't helping those 10 lbs come off either, LOL.
The only reason I lost it all is b/c when I am not pregnant I hardly eat, when I am pregnant I eat more than most men could take pride in. Plus it does not fall off. I use over the counter diet pills which I know is not healthy but you know how women are, image is more important. Seriously, with my son, he was actually induced 3 weeks early b/c I had gained almost 15 lbs since my last weekly visit, they were scared of toxemia. Even 3 weeks early he was 10 lbs. so that should tell you something, I have HUGE babies. Seriously though, even losing all the weight I still don't have my figure back so it does not mean too much.
It will come in due time, like I said I did not do it by myself, I do not have that much willpower. Plus my dr. put me on a diet b/c of the excess weight. Gave me a prescription for Xenical, that stuff works wonders, it is enough to make you not want to eat. I would suggest it to anyone, if you can cut the fatty foods.
OMG 10 lbs? I have a figure, after having my daughter. It's just not anywhere remotely close to what it was before I got pregnant with her. Amazing how everything re-allocates itself to different places after childbirth. Really, I should be congratulating you on losing the weight after giving birth - so many women don't. And I, too, have been known to take OTC diet pills. Got some sitting in my cabinet right now, just waiting for Monday to get started again. I need to start walking or something, too. If it ever stops raining in southern california.
I know how you guys feel. I'm still trying to lose 20 pounds I gained with my daughter. (She's 21 now) Anna
LOL! You guys crack me up. Well, at least I'm not the only one! My son is 16 months, and I don't think my hips and waist will ever shrink back. At least running again will be the first step. If, and it's a big if, I can tear myself away from Creditnet for 45 minutes! LOL
What pills are you using? I am on Stacker 2 now and I am not losing at all. I started when I stopped breastfeeding completely, so just about a month and a half ago. It seems as if I would have lost SOMETHING though.
well, there has been lots of controversy but, I take Xenadrine, I think it is more the Xenical that helps me though. Like I said earlier, I highly recomend those to anyone, if and only if they can curb the fatty intake, b/c Xenical is torture otherwise, they are prescription but a pretty easy prescription to get b/c they are supposed to be super-safe.
Xeniacal is also very very expensive, the scrip costs me about 150 a month. My insurance used to cover it but then they switched providers so no more. I was told by the pharmacist that very very few insurances cover them.
Baby #1 gained 10lbs-She's 8 Baby #2 gained 20Lbs She's 5 Baby #3 gained 10lbs more- She's 8 months This is all weight left on after babies- UGH!!
Man, I wish I would have only gained 10 & 20 ibs. 30 or 40 even. here is mine Baby 1 gained 78 lbs- she's 5 Baby 2 gained 65 lbs-she's 22 months Baby 3 gained 97 lbs-he's 9 months I also had not lost all of baby 2's weight when I got preg. with #3
This is the sole reason there is no baby #2 in my house yet. I told DH I had to get back down to at least a size 8 before I'd get preggo again. Being a man, he didn't quite understand that, LOL.
I actually gained 17lbs total with #1, 28lbs with #2 and 30lbs with #3. The numbers I gave you earlier are the lbs that stayed on permanantly after each baby. Doesn't look like they're going away anytime soon.
I've gained at least 15 lbs since I joined creditnet in April of 2000. And, I've never been pregnant. LOL
I haven't gained any weight since becoming a Credinet Addict(atleast not yet), but I have become quite lazy when it comes to exercising. I used to do Tae Bo 5 times a week, I slowing cut back and now I am down to Zero. Oh well, once credit repair is done, I will try to get back on track!
I've lost 15 pounds since I started posting on Creditnet. I guess since my credit has improved I can go out and enjoy myself more ofter and burn up more calories. Perhaps PBM can get us a deal on Slimfast.