In dispute-- still show?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by kit, Nov 9, 2002.

  1. kit

    kit Well-Known Member

    When things are in dispute on EXP are they "hidden" from those checking your credit?
  2. robin

    robin Well-Known Member

  3. toothfairy

    toothfairy Well-Known Member

    Sometimes they will say they are in dispute. Sometimes not.
  4. tnobles

    tnobles Well-Known Member

    Exp. and Efx. will show that that account is diputed, TU will not.
  5. shport

    shport Well-Known Member

    How long can an account be in dispute?

    I've sent validation to two CAs and they have not provided me anything. Is there a period of time that a CRA will allow a tradeline to be noted as "in dispute" before they require the CA to provide resolution?
  6. tnobles

    tnobles Well-Known Member

    You mean the ca added the consumer disputes clause? That can stay on indefinately from what I have read. I do not know that to be fact, but someone here posted before that a ca agency did that to them, and when they tried to dispute the acct. with the CRA's they were told they could not b/c the account was already showing in dispute.
  7. tracyb0313

    tracyb0313 Well-Known Member

    The CA's are supposed to show the account as in dispute. When they do it says something like customer disputes, per FDCPA-or something to that effect. That is one of the violations that we get them on often, because most fail to do that. They are legally required to however, and I believe it'll stay on the reports for the whole 7 years unless the TL comes off before then.
    It doesn't show in dispute like when you do a dispute. On EXP it doesn't show in blue or anything. I've been able to redispute w/ this clause on my accounts. I have one in dispute right now, that I've disputed 3 times on EXP, and it has that clause noted on it. I just had to give them new information to make them redispute.

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