How long can an account be in dispute? I've sent validation to two CAs and they have not provided me anything. Is there a period of time that a CRA will allow a tradeline to be noted as "in dispute" before they require the CA to provide resolution?
You mean the ca added the consumer disputes clause? That can stay on indefinately from what I have read. I do not know that to be fact, but someone here posted before that a ca agency did that to them, and when they tried to dispute the acct. with the CRA's they were told they could not b/c the account was already showing in dispute.
The CA's are supposed to show the account as in dispute. When they do it says something like customer disputes, per FDCPA-or something to that effect. That is one of the violations that we get them on often, because most fail to do that. They are legally required to however, and I believe it'll stay on the reports for the whole 7 years unless the TL comes off before then. It doesn't show in dispute like when you do a dispute. On EXP it doesn't show in blue or anything. I've been able to redispute w/ this clause on my accounts. I have one in dispute right now, that I've disputed 3 times on EXP, and it has that clause noted on it. I just had to give them new information to make them redispute.