Top 50 posters

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by LKH, Nov 10, 2002.

  1. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Here's the list. It isn't the neatest but I'm not going to take the time to make it nice. Hope you can figure it out.

    User Date Joined Total Posts
    GEORGE 03.28.2000 12140
    breeze 02.05.2001 6781
    lbrown59 02.20.2001 5953
    LKH 04.14.2000 5016
    roni 08.23.2000 3497
    sam 03.16.2000 3210
    Momof3 03.19.2000 3206
    Nave 02.26.2001 3054
    bbauer 04.27.2001 2728
    Lizardking 02.13.2001 2699
    Saar 06.20.2000 2645
    MP$40 08.27.2000 2569
    NanaC 03.18.2001 2562
    PsychDoc 06.07.2001 2556
    Marie 03.20.2000 2406
    Butch 05.01.2002 2269
    dogman 03.31.2000 2193
    Erica 04.10.2000 2107
    KHM 10.12.2001 2011
    mindcrime2 11.15.2001 2001
    QUEEN_BEE 10.26.2001 1979
    Ron 03.16.2000 1939
    Dani 12.14.2000 1855
    marci 10.03.2000 1773
    Jim 03.16.2000 1697
    sassyinaz 01.04.2002 1609
    DaveLV 03.16.2001 1580
    charlieslex 11.10.2001 1461
    whyspers 10.16.2001 1456
    the other 10.09.2000 1343
    Quixote 08.15.2001 1277
    creditwork 03.16.2000 1260
    Christi 03.06.2001 1259
    Ender 02.09.2001 1201
    tmitchell 06.08.2001 1176
    jrjr35 11.25.2001 1138
    tracyb0313 06.11.2002 1100
    ohnostuck 10.25.2001 1084
    uniondiva 10.16.2001 1067
    Bkev 08.09.2001 976
    keepmine 08.28.2001 955
    miles 03.17.2000 906
    MartysGirl 04.28.2001 898
    Cyprigirl 05.28.2001 885
    OtherTerri 07.07.2001 861
    Pat 04.27.2001 839
    leo728 06.15.2001 826
    author_22 08.10.2001 811
    kbanger 07.25.2002 798
    G. Fisher 04.17.2001 797
  2. annie

    annie Well-Known Member

    I keep trying, but I will never catch up or make the top 50 or even 100 for that matter. How many post per day I have to make to cath up to the top 100? LOL! I enjoy this board and weealth of knowledge so much. I am so glad George, Doc and the rest are around, imporving lives, one post or several thousand at a time.
  3. tnobles

    tnobles Well-Known Member

    HEY!!! I want in there, maybe I will start answering posts just to get on the list!!!! LOL!!!
  4. Why Chat

    Why Chat Well-Known Member

    Interesting post-- perhaps someone can do a qualitative list of the top 50 posters to append your quantitative list.
  5. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    After looking at this list, I realized that at least 25 of the top 50 posters either post very rarely or never. Some have just dropped off completely after being gung ho anc very active participants. It's too bad they decided not to stick around and help the newbies after they got help.
  6. JohnM

    JohnM Well-Known Member

    A quick down and dirty calulation shows the top posters per day are:

    George 13 (rounded off - non offical winner)
    Butch 13 (call for recount? - hanging chads?)
    Breeze 12
    lb59 10
    Kbanger 7
    Sassy 5
    PDoc 5 (zen master Doc -few posts per day but much info in each post)
    Miles 1 (must have a real life)

    All calculations done on punch card machine and votes have been certified by Katherine Harris -

    Supreme court on a vote of 5 to 4 gives the prize to GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member


    Hanging chads???
  8. tnobles

    tnobles Well-Known Member

    Man, I still can't get on the list, and Sassy, Kbanger I haven't even seen in awhile. Who's Miles?
  9. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    I will not concede. I demand a recount! This thing is rigged. <pout>
  10. MiamiBlues

    MiamiBlues Well-Known Member


    No "hanging chads" this year. Just some electronic voting machines that didn't work.
  11. Why Chat

    Why Chat Well-Known Member

    And some 10,000 Dems. who sat out the election and didn't vote.
  12. MiamiBlues

    MiamiBlues Well-Known Member


    Most of my Democrat friends were totally against Janet Reno running for Govenor. They all told me that she couldn't beat Jeb Bush. So they all jumped on the Bill McBride band wagon.

    Oh well...
  13. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    I wonder if you got a $50.00 <CREDIT> for voting off your taxes if that would make more people vote???
  14. Fuba

    Fuba Well-Known Member

    Talk about sweet poetic justice! Katherine Harris just won herself a seat in Congress. How sweet it is.
  15. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    I miss mindcrime2 and Christi. They haven't posted in a while. I wonder how Christi's kid is doing? She was balls to the wall when she was suing. Charlie
  16. Hermit5

    Hermit5 Well-Known Member

    I'm glad you have decided to do so..

    I do miss some of the vets.
  17. Hermit5

    Hermit5 Well-Known Member

    LKH, this is #800 for me, please update! ;-)
  18. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    I didn't create this. It came directly from the stats on this site.
  19. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Now that you've posted several times tonight, here is the latest top 50.

    GEORGE 03.28.2000 12146
    breeze 02.05.2001 6784
    lbrown59 02.20.2001 5953
    LKH 04.14.2000 5032
    roni 08.23.2000 3497
    sam 03.16.2000 3210
    Momof3 03.19.2000 3206
    Nave 02.26.2001 3054
    bbauer 04.27.2001 2728
    Lizardking 02.13.2001 2699
    Saar 06.20.2000 2645
    MP$40 08.27.2000 2569
    NanaC 03.18.2001 2562
    PsychDoc 06.07.2001 2556
    Marie 03.20.2000 2406
    Butch 05.01.2002 2271
    dogman 03.31.2000 2193
    Erica 04.10.2000 2107
    KHM 10.12.2001 2012
    mindcrime2 11.15.2001 2001
    QUEEN_BEE 10.26.2001 1979
    Ron 03.16.2000 1939
    Dani 12.14.2000 1855
    marci 10.03.2000 1773
    Jim 03.16.2000 1697
    sassyinaz 01.04.2002 1609
    DaveLV 03.16.2001 1580
    charlieslex 11.10.2001 1465
    whyspers 10.16.2001 1458
    the other 10.09.2000 1343
    Quixote 08.15.2001 1278
    creditwork 03.16.2000 1260
    Christi 03.06.2001 1259
    Ender 02.09.2001 1201
    tmitchell 06.08.2001 1176
    jrjr35 11.25.2001 1139
    tracyb0313 06.11.2002 1100
    ohnostuck 10.25.2001 1084
    uniondiva 10.16.2001 1067
    Bkev 08.09.2001 976
    keepmine 08.28.2001 957
    miles 03.17.2000 906
    MartysGirl 04.28.2001 898
    Cyprigirl 05.28.2001 885
    OtherTerri 07.07.2001 861
    Pat 04.27.2001 839
    leo728 06.15.2001 826
    author_22 08.10.2001 811
    Hermit5 11.14.2001 801
    kbanger 07.25.2002 798
  20. firstclass

    firstclass Well-Known Member

    Hermit5 11.14.2001 801

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