validation vs dispute letters

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Mr Alan, Nov 10, 2002.

  1. Mr Alan

    Mr Alan Well-Known Member

    Do you send validation letters to CA's and dispute letters to CRA's at the same time?

    Or do you send dispute letters to CRA's and wait to see if you have success first?
  2. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    This is a good question. The answer is, both.
    Personally, I had always disputed the oldest first, waited for the results, and what ever was verified would get a validation letter. My point was why alert the ca anymore than needed for old accts that they might just not verify. And, for the most part the did not verify. I only had to send out maybe 3 or 4 validation out of about 57 total derogs to get rid of them.

    Others will tell you to send the validation, wait to get the green card back and then dispute with the cra's. I agree with this tactic only IF it has already been disputed once with the cra's and verified.

    You also need to take the SOL into consideration on larger accts.
  3. edoggie

    edoggie Well-Known Member

    well LKH gave me good advice. If you are just starting, dispute everything and see which ones fall off. Then you'll know what you are working with.

    Dispute those remaining again (you might want to use a different reason for dispute), and send CRRR validation to CA. If the CA doesn't mark your report as disputed they have violated the FDCPA and the FCRA.

    You could do this at first but why make work that might not be necessary. See which ones fall off from disputing, validate AND dispute the remaining. Don't dispute until you get your green card back (CRRR).

    Hope this helps
  4. Mr Alan

    Mr Alan Well-Known Member

    In my case I can't dispute everything because I have too many derogs. I'd be labeled as frivoulus by the CRA's.
  5. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Then start with the 4 or 5 oldest. Try to dispute the same accts on each report at the same time, if possible.
  6. waalien

    waalien Well-Known Member

    I guess what I don't understand is if I dispute it with the CRA"s first (or after I get the green card back or whatever)..... how will i know if THEY mark it in dispute? Will it say that on my answer from the CRA?
  7. Mr Alan

    Mr Alan Well-Known Member

  8. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    It will be notated on your report. If you dispute it will show as "comsumer disptues - reinvestigation in progress" or similar. If the ca marks it as disputed it will say "your statement - debtor disputes acct. Satisfies FDCPA requirements"
  9. Mr Alan

    Mr Alan Well-Known Member

    When I send the "dispute debt" letter from the sample section to the CRA's should I include a copy of my driver's license and SS card?
  10. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    I never have and I haven't had a problem. You don't want to give them any more info than necessary. Charlie

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