TU and EQ reports same scores 80 po

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by flaman, Nov 10, 2002.

  1. flaman

    flaman Well-Known Member

    I pulled copies of TU and EQ today. TLâ??s etc. are exactly the same.
    TU has 2 inquiries 5 months old and EQ one 5 months old.
    TU score is 741 but EQ score is 661.

    Is this not strange?
  2. flaman

    flaman Well-Known Member

    Sorry!! subject line tooooo long.

    ....scores 80 points apart
  3. tracyb0313

    tracyb0313 Well-Known Member

    TU's score is fake, you have to pay to get the true FICO. EQ is more reliable. My scores are all relatively close--within 25 points or so. Their scoring is all different too. I wouldn't place too much on the TU fakko score though. Get the real FICO and see what that says
  4. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Do you by any chance have any Cap One cards or cards that aren't reporting the credit limit? If so, this may be the reason. EQ usually has N/A or nothing in the CL field for a card that doesn't report CL, while TU has a $0 there. FICO will calculate that in, while they ignore the N/A. That's my hypothesis at least...lol. I've contacted Fair Isaacs twice about this and they do not respond to my emails.

  5. flaman

    flaman Well-Known Member

    Reports are both listing same lines on Cap one.

    I did pay for score at truecredit.

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