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Just starting with about 18 derogs

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by jafsheart, Nov 10, 2002.

  1. jafsheart

    jafsheart Member

    Reading LKH and another confuses me as to the chronology that I should use? Is it dispute everything first, and then send validation letters or is it the other way around?

    Much thanks andd appreciation for what I've already learned from you.

  2. humblemarc

    humblemarc Well-Known Member

    looks like you've done some research.:)
    Some argue dispute first to see what comes off.
    Others say, send validation to CA's(if necc.) and once you recieve your green cards, then dispute in order to save time.
    I think it is up to you.
    I prefer the second option.
    Good luck!
  3. Hermit5

    Hermit5 Well-Known Member

    First and formost read the first few threads here at Creditnet.
  4. tracyb0313

    tracyb0313 Well-Known Member

    I think what you're talking about w/ LKH is that he says to dispute all first. I agree. Dispute the stuff on your reports, to see what falls off. Often about 1/2 of it will simply fall off. When you've done that, you'll have a better idea of what needs to be done. What's the point in sending validation letters to a CA that wouldn't have updated on your report anyway? During my first round of disputes, 2 CA's simply went away. If I had done the val route first, it would've taken a lot of time for nothing.

    Then, when you make a game plan and start to send out validation letters, you dispute the accounts again as soon as you get the green cards back. This time you are doing it to try to catch the CA breaking the law!
  5. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    I agree...dipute with the CRAs first. If they come back verified, then validate with the CA and after you get the green card back, dispute again with the CRA. They can't verify it unless they have first provided you with validation. At least that's how it is supposed to work if they <gasp> followed the law.

  6. kalinka

    kalinka Well-Known Member

    I had just about as many derogs as you in Oct. I
    disputed all of them as not mine and last week
    my new report at EQ shows only 6 left on. Two were
    'verified"in 10 days and will request procedural sinc I know these OC don't have my papers anymore.
    One judgment that was vacated is coming off b/c they reported as "satisfied". I have them on a violation there. So I really only have have 5 more to go and only using "not mine". Some of the derogs that came off are tough doggies (amex and citi) . I recommend you go this route first. Don't waste your time with validations yet. You may wake up some sleeping dogs.
  7. Mr Alan

    Mr Alan Well-Known Member

    When you dispute as "not mine" do you use the "dispute debt" letter from the sample letters to send to the CRA's?
  8. Mr Alan

    Mr Alan Well-Known Member

  9. kalinka

    kalinka Well-Known Member

    I disputed all my EQ derogs on-line. I later found out that many here prefer to submit theirs by snail mail 4 at a time. I don't think that you need to use the form letters from this site if you're only going to dispute that they are "not yours." I think I was lucky
    this first time around. I am going to do the second round via snali mail during CHOD and I will be using the Max 4 method.

    Good luck
  10. Mr Alan

    Mr Alan Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I was thinking snail mail for CHOD.

    To dispute "not mine" by snail mail should I use the "dispute debt" letter or the "proof it or remove it letter" from the sample section?

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