Best/Easiest AMEX card?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by cma, Nov 11, 2002.

  1. cma

    cma Well-Known Member

    I have a 692 EQ FICO, clean report (no baddies at all) Utilization is under 35%, and have 2 inquiries.

    What AMEX card would be a sure approval with a cl of $5000 or more?

    Business Platinum
    Cash Back

    I did a search and found that many creditnetters think Skymiles was easy to get and Blue was a little harder. However, I was wondering if there were more opinions that could help me decide.

    Thanks for posting!
  2. Vman

    Vman Well-Known Member

    If it helps - I was just denied a Open Skymiles. They pulled from EQ and my FICO was ~680 at the time (it has moved up a little since then)

    I do have a few older derogs on there, and several items that were in dispute when they pulled(now gone - YAY!) I do not know if they look at those or just the overall FICO.

    Good luck!
  3. wolverine

    wolverine Well-Known Member

    The skymiles card is easier to get than blue, but the interest rate sucks 14.9% I think. With Blue you should get 9.9%. You'll probably qualify for any of the cards with your profile. The AMEX website has a great feature for comparing cards including annual fees, rewards and interest rates.
  4. cma

    cma Well-Known Member

    Thanks Vman and Wolverine! I'll check the website out further.

    Any other opinions?

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    THEN THERE IS "GEORGE"...I had to let them STEAL $5,000 from my AMEX BLUE to make a DELTA $85.00 for the priveleage, and have 5 "HARDS" on EQUIFAX (all but one BUMPED)!!!

    On the UP-SIDE...12,000 MILES W/FIRST CHARGE.

    I'm NOT sure I will keep it a second year...
  6. cma

    cma Well-Known Member

    How about the difference between Blue and Optima? Anyone have comments on which one is easier to get?
  7. B-Down

    B-Down Well-Known Member

    Well based on my readings, the Blue is the hardest of the Amex cards to get. But with your score, you'd probably qualify for the Optima. If you want to try the easier of the two then definitely try for the Optima first.
  8. rfitzek

    rfitzek Banned

    Not to sound like I am bragging, but I have a BLUE with a 12.99% rate (they won't budge)

    Another note, I applied for the basic Green since my annuity will charge to credit cards, but NOT BLUE! Not sure what is up with that, but they denied me on Green. I asked if I could take half my BLUE line and make it a Green line, NO, NO, DOUBLE NO, and stop calling us is basically the response I got.
  9. miles

    miles Well-Known Member

    Wow that's surprising. I thought a green would be in the bag. I thought if you had a card with Amex, it would be super easy to get another one, especially green. Sorry about that.
  10. firstclass

    firstclass Well-Known Member

    rfitzek, what was your score? i have been reading alot of post on amex & it's said that green was the easiest, with about 670 with no deg.
  11. cma

    cma Well-Known Member

    Thanks BDown. I did some more reading and it seems that maybe Optima would be the best bet.

    I am interested also in what rfitzek's scores were for both the Optima approval and green denial
  12. rfitzek

    rfitzek Banned

    My score when I applied was 730 EQ, 709 TU and 700 EXP. I got Blue two years ago when my scores were MUCH lower. I called and asked AMEX about the Green denial and they said "We will mail you something" Which I received with NO reasons. I am currently taking that up with AMEX.

    Want to ADD: I have no derog's, no lates, nothing bad on my report at all. The only thing I can think of is I have TOO much available credit. I only have around $3000 out there in debt still from SECURED loans. Sometimes I wonder about AMEX. Citibank has always shifted my lines around and changed the type of card I have with very little problems. Actually no problems, I still have one of their CLICK Citi's and I recently moved some of my Credit line from another CITI card to that one. FYI Click Citi gives you 1% back each month credit to bill.
  13. marci

    marci Well-Known Member

    You can't shift lines to and from the Optima to the Charge products. They are two entirely separate products. So, they are being honest when they say they can't help you there.

    You can beg the MORE dept. to reconsider your Green denial based on the fact that you are a current card holder of the Optima.

    I did just that when I got the Green and was denied for the Blue.

    1. Search for a thread by "marci" called "direct to r".

    2. Call AmEx MORE and ask for a supervisor with authority to look at your Green app and make decisions re approval.

    3. Sweet talk them on the phone, again stressing all the points that you made here and stressing that you are, after all, a current card holder.

    4. See what happens. You want to talk only to MORE people who can do a manual override on the telephone.

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