now that EQ has stopped unlimited pulls for new customers, and it seems EQ is now deleting mass inq. before bumpage/split file, is LKH's trick dead? Unfortunately, i was never able to sign on to CW for some idiotic reason. Maybe one of the bright and talented newbies will discover a new way to delete inq. on EQ or EX? It's the least you could do for the vets. ;-)
As you know, they did mass deletions on me 3 times. It took me about 6 to 7 weeks to finally build the inq's back up for deletions, which restarted about 10 days ago. As of last night, it was still working. However, when my current CW subscription runs out, my trick will also.
Lkh, how much do you think your trick saved you in interest rates on your new house due to a higher fico score on one of your reports? you made out like a bandit.
You could still use LKH's trick; however it would cost alot more :{ hmm..... 60x $12.95 = ouch! PolarisA3
Is QSPACE truly unlimied? Will it also add soft inquiries to TU and thus help with bumpage there, too? Hawg hanner
Qspace pulls equifax and sticks a soft inquiry on your report every time, so this will have the same affect as pulling a regular equifax report and will cause the same bumpag Phenomena. -Sal
how does qspace work? do u have to pay upfront? then get a refund like creditwatch? or is it like worthknowing?
I hearby declare that LKH's trick which is on its last leg, from this day forth, shall be known as "Sal's Trick" (if it works) Sorry LKH.
Slow down folks, I didn't come up with the trick, that still belongs to LKH - all I did is show you another way to work it Thanks for the fame though, it felt good for awhile. -Sal
ah, magnanimous and humble! i like you even more! As LKH "discovered" it for CW, you have "discovered" it for qspace. do you prefer "your majesty" or "your lordship." i'm still calling it "Sal's Trick" ~
From their sign-up page: Your membership will continue uninterrupted, and the low annual fee of $79.95 will automatically be charged to your credit card after the trial period ends.
Would it be ok if i tried your Eq trick? If so e-mail me the steps. This way it doesn't get shutdown as fast. Thanks!
During your "30 day trial" period you can only pull Q Space once, but supposedly after your "trial" period, it will be unlimited. So, even though you go ahead and pay the $79.95, your first 30 days is still considered you "trial period". If anyone knows a way around this, please post.
During your "30 day trial" period you can only pull Q Space once, but supposedly after your "trial" period, it will be unlimited. So, even though you go ahead and pay the $79.95, your first 30 days is still considered your "trial period". If anyone knows a way around this, please post.