I Got It!!!!!!!!!!!!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by damianlr, Nov 15, 2002.

  1. damianlr

    damianlr Well-Known Member

    I just had to tell you all. Some of you probably remember me having problems with Associates/Citi account removing the lates. I came back home like 15 minutes ago and had this filling to apply for Citi Advantage card. I have not applied for anything for a LOOONG time (except Bank of America secured card). I went to my Citibank account (checking, savings) answered some questions, pressed button and ....

    "Once we verify your application information, we will open your Citi Advantage Card account with credit line of $1'000.

    Your card will be mailed to the address you provided."

    The offer was $1000 and 14.74% which I gladly accepted.

    Anyway, is this statement something you get after you get approved? or I may run into problems? Please let me know.

    My gosh, I'm soooooooo HAPPY!
  2. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Very kewl!!!!! Citi must have turned me down ten times at least before they gave me a $4,800 cl. Its a good feeling when it finally comes through!

  3. Hope

    Hope Well-Known Member

  4. damianlr

    damianlr Well-Known Member

    Thanks you for such warm word :)

    Just wanted to know. Should I call them or just wait until I get the card (how long does that take?). The wording was as above: Once we verify the information on the application - meaning? Just verify phone
    number, etc? Are they still considering or I am approved - period!?

    Thanks! That's my only prime card so I have no idea what is going on ;)
  5. Jeff

    Jeff Guest

    I think you're approved! Relax and wait, I doubt you'll have any problems. :) Congrats! You will like Citi.

    Citi has been speedy in getting cards to me. I would say you'll have your card within a week to 10 days.
  6. damianlr

    damianlr Well-Known Member

    Thanks Jeff, I hope I am approved. After I receive the card, should I try to ask for the credit increase or just wait couple of months and then try?

    I currently have Citibank Advantage check card which I try to use for most of purchases, but I'll be soon moving back home (we do not have Citibank there) and wanted this CC so BAD! :)

    Having $1000 CL is somewhat a limitation because I spend more then that every month. Any ideas on how to handle that?
  7. c5kirk

    c5kirk Well-Known Member

    My wife got the same message when she applied for her AAdvantage cards. They called a few days later to verify phone number and employment. Got the cards about a week after applying. I'm pretty sure based on her experience that it is a "done deal", true approval... assuming you didn't like about phone #, address, job, etc... :)

    Congrats! They're one of our favorite cards for rates, CL increases, and customer service.

  8. damianlr

    damianlr Well-Known Member

    No! I gave them my home phone number (on my name),business phone number (on my name), my company info (my business), and my house address (in credit files for 4 years).

    Have nothing to hide, so I think it is a done deal too. Except they look at the old derog and decide they do not like it. But if that would be a problem, I would not get approved at the first place would I?
  9. c5kirk

    c5kirk Well-Known Member

    Nah... I thing you're good to go. Congrats again!

  10. damianlr

    damianlr Well-Known Member

    Thanks! I'll let you all know how it turned out.
    Thanks again for all the help. I learned a lot from this board and would like to say that I appreciate that very much.
  11. lyttlemac

    lyttlemac Well-Known Member

    Hi, Congrats. Just wanted to give you a little unsolicited advice about asking for a credit line increase when you get your Citi card. My friend called customer service when the new card arrived, and requested an increase, which they did grant, but they also pulled a hard, even though the CSR said they would not. So two hard inquiries within days of each other.

    I've read on the board since then that this is common practice, not just with Citi, but with others too, when you request the increase. My friend made it very clear before asking for the increase that, if it would result in another inquiry, just forget about it. The CSR promised it wouldn't, but it did. When my friend called back to remind them that they said they wouldn't pull a 'hard' inquiry, the CSR said tough cookies, too bad, and pretty much, we don't give a hoot about your score.

    If it were me, I think I would just sit back and wait for them to volunteer an increase, rather than requesting one.
  12. Hermit5

    Hermit5 Well-Known Member

  13. damianlr

    damianlr Well-Known Member


    I just got off the phone with CITI. They verified my address, asked me to provide security phrase, and said that I'll receive the card within 7-10 days! :))))

    I welcome myself to the PRIME WORLD! :)

    Thanks guys for all the help you have provided to me and on this board.

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