I said this in another post but finally after over 5 years of being together and 3 kids we finally decided to tie the knot for real instead of living in common law marriage. We are going to the courthouse today and getting married. We don't have many people coming just a good friend of our because both of our families live out of state so it will be very small but I got my hair done today anyway and he rented a tux and I bought a non traditional wedding dress at a bridal shop for 25 bucks, can you believe that? lol. WE are going out to dinner somewhere nice tonight all dressed up so not much in celebration either. Obviously no honeymoon either since we have 3 kids at home and no one to watch them but hopefully tonight can be special anyway.
Nothing special with the kids but they do get their very favorite baby sitter to come over today. We are taking the baby(Madison 5 months) with us since she needs her mommy if you kwim. Thank you for all the congratulations
I congratulated you in the other thread but I don't know if you'll see it there w/ so many posts. So... Congratulations and Best Wishes!!!! Have a great day (& night) !
Congratulations!! That's sooo exciting! You sound like you're a little down about the lack of festivities, but I just got married in July and when I was stressing about having this or not having that, my mom said "honey, whether it's in a mansion with 1000 people or at the courthouse with a judge, you'll still be just as married!". It's about you and your fiance, your kids and all the love you have between you that counts. That's what will carry you through a wonderful life together no matter how it starts out. Have a great time, and best wishes!!!
Congrats Melissa and good luck. My hubby and I did a lot worse where we got married BUT we are married, that's all that matters.
Congratulations! When finances permit, you can always do a vow renewal in the future. That's becoming really popular. Just enjoy today for what it is--your wedding day! It is important that you love each other and have made the decision to join your life in this way--it has nothing to do with how many people are there to watch. I'm sure your dress is lovely!! Many Blessings and Best Wishes to you both! cariba
Congratulations, I for one loved being married!! I wish you many more years of happiness! and believe me it isdifferent being married (we lived together for five years) but in the best sense of the word!
Thank you everyone The wedding went great. WE went out to dinner with a friend afterward, their treat then we decided to see a movie after that. Today we went house hunting. The only thing I would love to reinact in my wedding would be a real wedding dress and the kids all decked out for real and expensive wedding pictures. That is all I want. Thank you everyone for all your congratulations and everything