I closed my Providian GetSmart account in August 02. I know at the time the rep said that the interest rate will remain the same 15.9%. I received my first eMerge statement yesterday and happened to glance at the rate -- almost 24%! And... to make matters worse, I call the number, finally get the option to speak with a person and then am told (via recording) that the hold time is in excess of 20 minutes, "please call back later." *click* Huh? Anyway, I'm sure that someone else must have a similar problem and I'm interested to know if you were able to make them change the terms of the account back to the original rate. I do not understand how this company can make a unilateral change in terms without 1) notifying me or 2) giving me the chance to opt out - which shouldn't even apply b/c the account is CLOSED and was CLOSED before it became an eMerge card. Thanks for any feedback. (By the way, I used the search feature and received several hundred hits on "emerge" via this site - I waded through the first couple of pages...)
MT, call this # 1-866-290-2830 got right in. this is the collection dept. they can help they did me. DONT TAKE I CAN'T HELP FOR AN ANSWER THIS IS THE COLLECTION DEPT.
they did that to my wifes card. She eceived new cards in the mail but assumed it was another cc offer and threw it away, without ever opening it. She never knew until she wondered why she never got a providian statement. They sent her more cards, and she saw that new interest rate and paid the balance in full and will close it as soon as the check clears. I dont know what criteria providian used to switch some over. Mine stayed providian.
Well, first of all, let me correct a mistake -- the interest rate is actually 23.90% and not 23.09%. I called the number and spoke to someone, I use the term loosely as a language barrier was obvious and made the conversation very difficult. I was placed on hold for > 20 minutes and finally hung up out of frustration. I'm going to handle all of my communication with this company in writing so I have a paper trail. Oh, I asked the rep who eMerge was and she said, "Providian sold blah blah blah..." and I repeated my question by asking who owns eMerge... same response! Anyway, I now know about the CompuCredit connection thanks to this board and Google.
On the back of the statement I just received it has some info about why my rate is 23.87. It states: Important Info "Beginning Oct 12, we are temporarily applying the balance calculation method described below which may result in a reduction in finance charges billed to you. We are waiving our right to any unbilled finance charges otherwise due under your agreement while using this method but reserve the right to reinstate the balance calculation method desribed in your agreement at any time. We will notify you when we reinstate the method disclosed in your agreement." Whatever that means....anyway, you may want to just check your statement more thoroughly for an explanation since calling gets people no where. Newstdt
I noticed the same message regarding the finance charge calculation. It did not really make sense to me either.
its amazing... when I posted about them selling their customer service to india people bitched that i am racist or something... now everyone feels the pain i went thru as I now have another acct on my records after the providian acct was FULLY PAID and CLOSED in 4/2002. again i could care less where they sell their customer dept too but they need to speak clear english.. I AM CERTAIN we will see more and more hate msgs about emerge on this board! </end rant>
I wrote 2 weeks ago to them and asked that the account be closed and told them they can shove their 59.00 annual fee-today I get a bill in the mail for the 59.00 fee. I have been trying for a month to get ahold of them to discuss this to no avail.iI even tried the collections phone # and had 20 people ahead of me.Any suggestions on how to deal with this?? I dont want the card. I e-mailed them but dont really expect to get anywhere with that.
My rep spoke very clear english, however, she just did not understand english very well and I had to repeat myself multiple times. I am contacting this CompuCredit company directly.
Well, we're the bunch that they just don't want obviously. It's pretty clear we're about as welcome as the plague. I'm paying mine off as soon as I can. I totally feel for you guys who have already closed it or want to close it now. This scares me for when I do. I guess my hubby was lucky they closed his for him.... I hope there is some resolution. If it's still providian, can't we do something?? Newstdt
Someone has to have jurisdiction over the bank issuing the card. I plan to file a complain with that authority as soon as I determine who that is. I have requested additional information from CompuCredit and hopefully a respond will be forthcoming. I will share it here or in another post.
If anyone wants to form a team to go over to their headquarters, please let me know. I live in Atlanta and really want to do that. e-mail me at allen074@yahoo.com
1st class.......I need to call them too. What exactly is it they can do? They raised me to 29.99 after they closed my acct.
am told (via recording) that the hold time is in excess of 20 minutes, "please call back later." *click* Huh? MT ======== I know this really leaks me off too!
Well, I called them last night and was put on hold. Unfortunately I fell asleep and when I woke up this morning, I was still on hold. :0)
I can't get through either and I haven't received a statement. So help me they had better not report me as late since I don't have a new account number and can't reach anyone to find out why I haven't received a statement. Sheesh! L
I wanted to follow-up and let people know that eMerge has reduced my interest rate and credited the finance charges. It took multiple faxes and email messages, but I am happy with the result. I would be glad to provide additional details via email if anyone else is having a similar problem. Thanks!