2 weeks ago I applied online for the Chase Walmart Mastercard. I really didn't mind what the line would be as long as I could get my foot in the door with chase. I called to check the status tonight and was told I was approved ! The line is only $200 but hell that's a start for me ! I expected a denial with my short history. She said the card was mailed on the 13th, so I'll get it within the next few days im sure. Im excited ! :O) Just thought I'd share.
Thanks ! This will be like my little target limit of $200. But I don't care, with time the limit will grow. Im not sure how they are with increases but time will tell I suppose. Visa $1,000, Mastercard $300, Chevron $600, Target $200, and now chase $200. I just needed the additional tradeline :O) Anyone know how chase is with reporting/increases ?
CONGRATS!!! I just got the Chase classic card. Approved for $1000 asked for increase, got $2500 immediately. When you activate the card, ask for a CL increase. They will respond via snail mail in 5 days. CONGRATS AGAIN!!!!
CONGRATS Eric, I remember you when you first joined CN and you and I talked for a long time in Chat. You were very concerned that you would NEVER be able to find anyone who'd trust you with credit because of your young age and short credit file. I told you not to worry. That you'd make faster progress than you think. Congrats again. Now just stay on time and your limits will grow.
Thanks guys! Yep Butch you did tell me that :O) Maybe in a year or so I'll start getting great offers. I have enough tradlines for now (once chase and chevron start reporting) , now it's time to let them sit and let the history grow.
Congratulations!!! I really like Chase. I think you will too. As far as increases, be careful when you ask for one. I believe they will pull a hard inquiry unless you ask them not to. This may be different at the time of activation, but I would ask to make sure. I have never asked for an increase, but automatically received a $1,500 increase a little over my 1 year mark. Maybe 1.5 years. Customer service has been very professional and helpful. Again congrats and enjoy!!
I was just going to say that. ATT Universal and Chase both pulled hards when I asked for a CL increase. I wasn't too happy about that!
Congratulations again Eric !!!!!!!!!! That is good news that you got a Chase mastercard. Don't worry about that credit limit, in time it will grow. Chase is a very good bank to have a financial relationship with. Chat with you later.