The HOME OWNER could have a NEIGHBORHOOD POOL PARTY..."BRING YOUR HAMMER AND $10.00 BEAT UP A POOL~~~SNACKS WILL BE SERVED" Make enough money for the SNACKS and pay off the CA???
Is this where the CA cements their relationship with the creditor by taking concrete action??? fla-tan
Originally posted by lbrown59 Sorry just had to take a dive with that one. Fuba ============= Good one -you made a splash with it didn't you? LB 59 ------------------------------ Is this where the CA cements their relationship with the creditor by taking concrete action??? fla-tan ============== Another good one. Looks like Fuba has some competion. LB 59
are you trying to pool our resources? fla-tan ============== Might be a good idea as it looks like this could be a case of sink or swim.
Does that mean we are drowning in debt? fla-tan ================= Boy you're on a roll ain't you? What I'm wondering is does the CA have a WATERTIGHT CASE OR IS IT WATERLOGGED?
guest appearances at the pool party - LIVE: in perwon - kiss her for $10 WYNONA RYDER - what can I say - I never spelled that name before LOL! dog paddlin along - dogman
(rim shot) "BBOOOOOOOOOO!" "GET OFF THE STAGE!!!! YOU GUYS STINK!!!!" LOL You all are worse than the comedians in the Poconos! ("be sure to tip your lovely waitresses. Good night folks") LB, fla-tan, and George will NOT be here all week!
Oh No Dogman!!!!!.....Not Winona Ryder......they would have no pool left to repo when she leaves the party... JohnM
Keep in mind that this is a below ground concrete pool. cable666 =========================== Build a building over it and convert it into an indoor pool. LB 59