Hello There, I just wanted to let you guys know that I finally been approved for the Chase I card yesterday not a very high credit line but is a foot in the door with them.. they approve me for $2000 don't know about the apr yet the rep said the account is just approve so the only thing she can see is the credit line and not the apr... but should have the card in a few days... just a tip if you apply with them and they request a copy of a utility bill for verification make sure is readable cause I fax it over the first time and they denied it cause they did'nt like the way my electric bill looked to them... I refax a cable bill over to them with the whole bill including the payment coupon on there since I paid using automatic debit I don't need the coupon... they accepted that for verification anyways I am happy this morning.. Thank You all for your support... this board is great! I will make another post once I recd the card. Thx, Kev
That's outstanding Kevin! Congrats on hanging in there! Chase has been great for us. I think you'll like them. DemPooches
Hello There, Thank You! Yes I am very Happy to be a Chase Cardholder..... how soon can you ask for a credit line increase or apr lower.... please let me know.... Thx, Kev
CONGRATS!! Request a CL increase when you activate the card. THey will ask a few questions then respond via snail mail in 5 days. I just did it last week. Approved for $1000 and asked for $1500 more, got it this week. Next I have to request a lower APR, I think they gave me 18% or 19%(ouch, but I'll take it!). CONGRATS again!
Also, use it a lot. Make BIG payments. After a while, they'll start sending great BT offers, occasionally there'll be a line increase available also by using the BT offers. One other thing, if you request a line increase after you've had the card a while, they like to see low utilization at the time you request the increase. And they WILL pull a hard inq. Probably on TU. Enjoy! DemPooches
I got approved for a B of A Plat the other day after reconsideration. And the whole process only took a month and a half! They pulled TU - low score (600) due to new accounts and high ratios, but no derogs. Now I'm done applying for credit for a while. I swear! Anna
Hello There, Thank You again for the good tips I appreciate it... and Anna Congrats to you on BOFA I just got one last month too... apply for platinum but got the gold that is fine with me... good credit line $3500 and the lowest apr 9.9% fixed.... I am happy! Thx, Kev
The Chase number listed in this thread will get that apr down to 7.9% and may very well surprise you with a 0% apr for BT for 12 months. The BofA number listed in this thread will get you to 11.9% (my best) and according to others, down to 9.9% fixed. Also, a BT rate at prime for the life of the transfer... http://consumers.creditnet.com/straighttalk/board/showthread.php?threadid=21337