
Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by SCMomof5, Nov 16, 2002.

  1. SCMomof5

    SCMomof5 Well-Known Member

    I recently had a legal issue regarding my son. I had to hire an atty. As a result, my Chrysler payment wasn't made until day 38. 5 days later they updated all 3 bureaus to 30 days late and past due = pymt amt.

    I disputed by saying "I am not past due". It is too early for results, but if they verify, does anyone know if they would be forgiving based on the circumstances and remove the late?

    How easy are they to work with? It cost me 80 points.
  2. shaolin76

    shaolin76 Well-Known Member

    hmm i would call them and ask them to remove it... you were not 30 days late if you paid on the 38th day and payment is due every 30 days...
  3. SCMomof5

    SCMomof5 Well-Known Member

    No, I guess I wasn't clear. I was late. If I paid 29 days late, they won't list a 30 day. I was 38 days late. I put off the next payment due after that to the end of the loan.

    My son was a victim of "illegal arrest". I still have to fight it in court, but the lawyer will sue the City when the charges are dismissed Dec 20. (That is the hearing date.)

    I live from paycheck to paycheck. $1000 to an atty for the defense hit me pretty hard.
  4. shaolin76

    shaolin76 Well-Known Member

    O sorry - my mistake... I guess the the goodwill approach is the only way to go... I have only done it once and it wasnt with chrysler so couldnt tell you the chances...
  5. SCMomof5

    SCMomof5 Well-Known Member

    I appreciate your replies.

    I know that Arcadia does not respond to disputes so every time I disputed "I am not late" the CRAs would bring the account back to PAA. TU, of course, deletes the entire tradeline.
  6. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Arcadia doesn't reply? I am helping 2 friends that have Arcadia bobos. One has a repo and the other has multiple lates. So what you're saying is dispute as "paid as agreed". Do you know anything about a repo? Thanks Charlie
  7. tracyb0313

    tracyb0313 Well-Known Member

    I have our loan thru Arcadia too. I don't like them at all, which is why I'm trying to refinance. I don't have any lates, but they seem like they aren't particularly easy to deal with.
  8. anna

    anna Well-Known Member

    Call Chrysler. If it's your first late, there's a good chance they'll remove it. That's what a friend of mine did. Won't hurt to try and it might be the easiest way.
  9. SCMomof5

    SCMomof5 Well-Known Member

    Thanks Anna. I think I will.
    Regarding Arcadia, in my experience, they do not report unless you go 60 days late. Then they have never responded to any dispute and so they are PAA on 2 of my bureaus and gone from the TU. I would simply dispute your friend's tradeline at "never late" nothing better than a good tradeline! :)

    Also, Arcadia will call you daily when you are late even 1 day. I used to let it bother me when they would ask all those 'verify the info' questions, but if I needed any help or understanding at all, I always found them kind and willing. I hate the APR, but my scores were low 500's when I applied. I was happy to get a new car! Just like you, I plan on refinancing.

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