i got approved for walmart! $100 lol. has anyone gotten an increase upon approval with this card? Now that i have target and walmart i just need that kmart m/c and i'll have the white trash credit portfolio! sweet!
So even if you don't call Walmart increases your CL sometimes? If you request an increase do they pull a hard?
do monograms other cards have different standards? i applied for pennys a few hours after i got wallys and got denied lol i hope it doesnt affect my walmart $100 credit line
So what you're saying is that if I ask for an increase they won't pull a hard or do I need to REQUEST specifically that they don't?
I live in Houston and they pulled experian for me... was rejected when I applyed last year.. had high 500 score with a jacked up providian account and a collection account on my report
LOL!!! Now, let's see. We need an abbreviation for the FAQs. WTCP....that'll work. I can see it now. Months and months of new threads -- "What is the WTCP?" "What scores do I need for the WTCP?" "What CRA does the WTCP pull?" "Who's got the biggest CL on their WTCP?" "PsychDoc's WTCP Primer" "Does the WTCP still work?" DemPooches
LOL... WTCP....LOL Anyway...I've had my card since 99. At first ...they gave me a credit limit of 850.00. I'm now up to 2050.00.. I've never asked for an increase.... they just give them to me (about every four months). I would keep a high balance and pay it off about every 6 months or so. Good Luck...
Interest Free Shopping! Get no accrued interest for 3 months on purchases of $250 or more from 10/30/02 - 12/31/02 with your Wal-Mart Credit Card. (Minimum payments required.) NOTE~~~YOUR TOTAL SALE MUST BE $250 OR MORE...if you buy $217.18 GET A GIFT CARD FOR $32.82 or more...the sig. slip MUST say $250 or more...(can't be 2 or 3 sales that equal $250+ either) even if they are on the same day in the same store!!!
I just buy a GIFT CARD for $250+ (CHARGING IT ON THE WAL*MART STORE CARD) and use it for any and all purchases, even $3.12...BUT IT STILL IS AT THE 0.00% RATE!!!