I had a rep tell me that hh income means only someone that lives with you that you include on your income tax as a co-filer. Do you guys know this to be true, or does it mean anyone living in your house?
LKH I am not sure in respect to things like credit cards and the like. However, when dealing with a mortgage, the only income that is looked at is the income of people who are on the mortgage note itself. No other income matters to the lender normally. fla-tan
Thanks fla-tan, but I am specifically questioning the household income in regards to credit card applications. btw - I will get back to you early this week when I know which evening I will be home at a decent hour. Thanks Come on you guys. I know some of you have answered this question on applications before. Whose income did you include in household income?
LKH When I have filled out income information on credit card applications, I have put total household income. That includes both my wife's and mine. Look forward to speaking with you. fla-tan
Personally, I've never included roomates income when filling anything out. I add significant others though, if we live together. When I have to put household expenses, I usually cut it in 1/2 for my 1/2 only. Not sure if that's right or not, but that's what I always did.
In regards to CC's I would put my mother-in-law's (she has to be good for something), cat, dog, etc. Charlie
H/H INCOME IS EVERYBODY IN THE SAME HOUSEHOLD...if you and your wife live with mom and dad and your sister and brother...then grandma and grandpa move in...ADD ALL THE INCOMES TOGETHER~~~ALL 8!!! I add my 19 year old to mine and wife's...TOTAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME!!! If you DON'T add everybody in the house...YOU ARE LYING ON THE APPLICATION!!! Buying a house is different...if all 8 were applying...you would do all 8. IT DOES NOT ASK FOR TOTAL INCOME OF ONLY 2 PEOPLE!!!
Geroge Does that mean if I live in a commune I have to get everybody's income or I am commiting fraud??? LOL fla-tan
I guess is the way to get the REALLY big CL's. Live w/ 6 people and add all the incomes together! LOL
Get as much credit as you can BEFORE you move out of your PARENTS HOUSE!!! I could see a 18 year old at home with H/H INCOME of >$200,000 then move out with a couple of students with a TOTAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME of $15,000...