EQ Deleting TL's In Masse!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Butch, Nov 18, 2002.

  1. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    This seems to be happening to a lot of us lately, so I thought I'd start a thread so we can talk about it.

    From another Thread: "I dealt successfully with Cap1 getting an old 60 day late removed. TU and EXP updated fine but EQ never did.

    Sooooo I disputed naturally. While disputing I told them to update the CL and sent a copy of my statement from Cap1. (I just thought I'd try it to see what happens). I found out the hard way.

    Well ... out of vindictiveness, they claim they couldn't get verification from Cap1 so they deleted the TL. This was my 3rd dispute with them and as you know I can write nastily, lol. So they are paying me back.

    Anyway, thank god I do have a very old (closed in 1995. Pd never late) account. Otherwise my report would have absolutely nothing on it".

    Who else ???
  2. almost

    almost Member

    Mine was missing an old paid as agreed from 97

    GEORGE Well-Known Member


  4. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    I'm missing two tradelines. One to Central Finance that was paid off in August, 1997 and one to Citizens Bank (my car loan!!!!) that was paid off in June, 1997. Both were good tradelines and two of my "older" ones. I only have one or two others that go back that far. It really, really dropped my score.

    I tried to call tonight, but they were closed before I had the chance. I'm *really* ticked! I did called Citizens because I know a lot of the people there (used to do their title work) and they said they did not request the tradeline be deleted. (Which makes sense...why would they? I wasn't disputing anything so there was no reason.)

    Does anyone think this Robin Holland could help? I'd do a CRRR, but would get back a form letter that has nothing to do with it.

  5. jk1

    jk1 Well-Known Member

    They deleted three TL's of mine, two old and one from 2001 that was evidently a mortgage that was sold to another bank- at the same time we sold the house. EQ had no lates listed on this (correctly), but the line underneath the creditor info that had 00 times 30 days late, 00 times 60 days late, 00 times 90 days late. Being that we really never worked with that bank anyway, I didn't want that strange extra info there. So they deleted the whole thing.

  6. tnobles

    tnobles Well-Known Member

    hubby lost 4 good tradelines in 1 day, along with about 85 soft inq.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

  8. PAE

    PAE Well-Known Member

    I lost a good mortgage that I disputed for showing 30 days late when it wasn't... My best TL too...
  9. Amy B

    Amy B Well-Known Member

    Ouch, did they put it back??

    Unfortunately EQ won't delete anything of mine... well that's not true, they deleted a late but it's back. The vehicle is now paid off so hopefully I will get it fixed.
    My mortgage got deleted off TU (my worst report) and to top it off, they show the vehicle constantly past due when it's NOT! They won't investigate even when they say its verified. TU and EX deleted a CC. Ex says it's because I disputed it as not mine, which I did not, merely the late.

    Is there any hope of fixing this stuff? The lady at EX says I have to have the creditor put it back on. Yeah right, if their records show the deletion they can put it back on.
  10. PAE

    PAE Well-Known Member

    These people are impossible. the FTC should shut them all down.

    Try getting your report from Lakeside! That's right, just try to find out what lakeside has on you..... (didn't you know that lakeside was another CRA?)
  11. tnobles

    tnobles Well-Known Member

    That's not true, hubby had a cc I disputed as never late, next thing I know, it was deleted and his score went from 585 to a whopping 0, O called them, explained to them it was never late blah blah blah they turned it over to 'speacial handling dept' it was back on same day including the late, his score only went up to a 505 with about 8 other deroga deleted. Don't let them BS you.
  12. Amy B

    Amy B Well-Known Member

    ouch isn't that just typical......something is "fixed" and the score isn't as good as before. Who was that with? I called EX twice today about it and got the same thing. I'm calling TU tomorrow.
  13. lady

    lady Well-Known Member

    Never heard of them. Do they have a web site??

  14. PAE

    PAE Well-Known Member

    no, no website.

    no nothing.

    you want the fax number?
  15. parkslorra

    parkslorra Member

    Checked my equifax report after reading whisper's post and what did I fine? 3 POSITIVE TL were missing dating back to 1994. I called this morning and asked whats going on. The rep. gave a small snicker before she explained that she could only locate one account that had been deleted by them. No record of the other two. I'm going to try again tomorrow if they give me the same crap I plan to email Mrs. Robin
  16. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    So over all 80 points just vanished into thin air-Why??
  17. humblemarc

    humblemarc Well-Known Member

    i really think someone needs to take the lead and contact the FTC about this. If there is a new policy @equifax, it is affecting everyone, not just creditnetters. And it will have HUGE reprucussions on everyone!
  18. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    I hope you're all following the proper process to get these resolved.

    The CRA's are blaming everything on the OC's. That means you need a letter from your OC's that states when they reported to the CRA and what they reported.

    They may be reluctant to put the work into it. Therefore, let your OC know that you're working on a lawsuit against your CRA. Without said letter they will receive a subpoena to produce evidence and probably have to send someone to testify. (If they see that they can avoid work by getting you your letter they'll be more likely to do it.)

    At that point I plan to "take the lead" by suing EQ. But only if I need to. Obviously if I can get my situation resolved without a suit I will but I suspect some of you will have to fight this out in court.

    EQ are the ones, at least in my case, who're screwing up. I'm not sure it's EQ, HQ doing this. In my case I have to deal with an affiliate, CBC.

  19. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Marc has a great point. I will pioneer a contact with the FTC. To do so I would need a brief statement from everyone as to what happened. The more detailed your explanation the more weight it will carry.

    However, I think just doing it on your own would be effective also, just perhaps not quite as effective.

    (brief statements have been requested before by other "vets" working on suits. When the rubber meets the road few of you ... ahem ... "rise to the occasion").

    Another thing to consider is a class action case against the CRA's.

    It is my contention that deleting good TL's is just as damaging as refusing to investigate a problematic TL. It is out of compliance with the complete portion of the "complete and accurate" reporting requirement of the FCRA.

    It's a vindictive response designed to teach YOU a lesson for having the audacity to put them through the dispute process. They do it on purpose to trash your scores.

    Follow the process for gathering proof that your OC has in fact reported your TL and what they reported. You need this before you can do anything.

    If you want we can work on a letter.
  20. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member


    Be sure to check in on this thread;


    I now have my letters from the OC that state; they did in fact report this TL, and provided some detail as to what exactly they did report.

    I will need to file of formal complaint with the OC's legal dept. because they left out very important info. such as the history of this 10 year old account;


    Also they neglected to include the date that they reported it to the CRA's. They neglected to include the fact that they report on magnetic tape once a month, like clockwork. They also neglected to sign the document as per my instruction.

    They also state that 60-90 days should be permitted for the CRA to "update their records". yeahrightsure! They will have a case number in their lap by then. LOL

    When my documentation is perfected, I'll be filing, probably in FDC to include a motion to compel them to include the TL, and damages.


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