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Gastric Bypass Surgery

Discussion in 'General Lounge' started by KHM, Nov 15, 2002.

  1. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Hi my name is Kellie and I'm a fatty-boom-ba-latty. There I said! My whole family is obese (hugely obese) well except my mother's side, but all I got was her facial features.

    Has anyone had the gastric surgery, or any weight loss surgery? Any comments youwould like to share? Good, bad, ugly?

    I am in the very first stages. I will go to my first pre-op support group 12/13/02.

    Hubby and I will finally have insurance and to prevent me having any OTHER overweight related problems I figured I would nip it in the bud.

    Other than being overweight I don't have any medical problems (knock on wood). My back is occasionally sore.

    I would also like opinions from EVERYONE, big tall small round. Are you against it or for it?
  2. Manequinne

    Manequinne Well-Known Member


    My neice had it done, and she said it was worth every penny.

    1. The first month she lost a little hair, because she didn't take her vitamins!!!

    2. She got VERY saggy.
    The doctor told her to exercise, but she didn't. (blah, who wants to exercise anyway) LOL....

    Her back stopped hurting IMMEDIATELY.

    She was able to sleep comfortably. One problem she had was she would stop breathing in the middle of the night and awake suddenly.

    Oh, make sure you wear very good support bras, while you are losing the weight, because she didn't, and I won't tell you the problem she has now :)

    She laughed at the fact the lost 300 pounds.
    (180 boyfriend and her weight :)

    Seriously, I wish you luck!!!!!
  3. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    My aunt Marie had the Lap band. I think she was about 240 or so when she had it (4 foot 11) she is my size now a year later, but shorter. I am about 130 give or take and 5 4.
  4. ryoung6179

    ryoung6179 New Member

    My bro-in-law had it done, after years and years of trying everything, he weighed 440 lbs, he had to see a psycologist and try other weight control methods before they would approve the insurance, but he now weighs 211 lbs, says his appetite is all but nil, has to remind himself to eat, and feel the best he has in his whole life, has a great attitude and says it saved his life!!!!
  5. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Thanks guys!!
    I have a question for those who have had it. Everywhere I've read said you need to lose 15 pounds before the surgery. What point before the surgery? Before seeing the surgeon? After a checkup with the PCP? Should I do it now, before my PCP visit?
  6. Karen

    Karen Well-Known Member

    Dateline is doing something this Friday night on a similar procedure. You may want to watch. They did the gastric bypass a couple weeks ago and updated it last week. Al Roker, the NBC weatherman did it and felt it was the right decision for him.

    They kept saying that one out of every 200 dies from the surgery, but that may be an acceptable risk because it helps you in the long run.
  7. sirrowan

    sirrowan Well-Known Member

    My cousin had this surgery. She had many many complications. Why? It could be said that most of her problems were not following the doctors orders.

    She didn't exercise.
    She didn't take her vitamins.
    She DID eat many foods that she was not supposed to eat.

    So maybe the best advice is to FOLLOW THE DOCTOR's ORDERS.

    Also, many people think that this is not a serious surgery. It is.

    Someone mentioned wearing a good support bra. Maybe if you wore support hose or bike shorts, that could help too. I know that when you have lipo on your thighs you have to wear these bike shorts for a long time.

    If you decide to go through with the surgery, please let us know how it is working for you. I wish you the best!

  8. Karen

    Karen Well-Known Member

    48 hours is supposed to do something on this type of surgery tonight (Friday)
  9. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    OH, I've looked into having this done. Unfortunately, my doctor says I don't weigh enough (sad isn't...when you are upset over not weighing enough so that they will cut you all up so you can weigh less than you are whining about weighing now) I think his scale was wrong since I went to the ob/gyn yesterday and it was a might bit different. At any rate, I waver back and forth on it because I guess I am a bit afraid of the changes I would have to make. Even if I qualified, I would be positive before I did it. Its supposed to be permanent.

    My biggest concerns are being able to eat the proper stuff so I don't get malnourished. I've read that is a very common problem.

    I'm sure you've found the message boards by now, so I won't send you the link I got from someone else here at this board. But if you need it, let me know.

    Best of luck within whatever you do. If you do decided to go with it, can you please keep me posted via email so I can maybe make up my mind?

  10. whatever

    whatever Well-Known Member

    I personally would not have gastric bypass, only for the potential risks, that will be lifelong.
    I knew someone that had this surgery and yes, they looked great after the weight fell off and keeping with the exercises, but they said they would never do it again, because of the side affects.
    Not to be gross, but they complained of abdominal cramping and watery stools. Always having to know where a restroom was, in case the urge hit.
    Malabsorption is also a risk.
    I wish you the best of luck in whatever you choose.
  11. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    No offense but I'd rather sh*t myself than not be able to play with my kids, and that's what its gotten to.

    I had my first PCP appointment tonight, she gave the refferal YAY!

    Friday I am going to one of those support groups. I've made up my mind this is something I NEED to do, for my kids. I was the kid with the fat parents, look where it got me.
  12. Manequinne

    Manequinne Well-Known Member

    I REALLY want to wish you luck, so:

    GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!! ;-)
  13. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Thank you!!!
    Wanna hear something strange? My 2 best friends are overweight, one of them is the type of person who will only hang out with someone who is bigger than her. When I told her I got the referral she all of a sudden had to let me go.
    When I told her a few weeks ago I was thinking of having it done, she IMMEDIATELY started acting strange....we shall see what happens with her.
  14. Manequinne

    Manequinne Well-Known Member

    Sorry to hear that ;-(

    I guess she is jealous?

    OOOOOhh, I bet when you get skinny, she is gonna totally leave you alone!!

    But, you don't need friends like that, you've got your family, and us!!!

    I don't mean to sound harsh about her, because she might just be going through something else?

    Think of it like this: It is better to have good credit, than bad friends......... ;-)

  15. whatever

    whatever Well-Known Member

    No offense taken...Just wanted to point out a side effect that maybe was not presented. If so, I apologize. It was one of those side effects that no one wants to talk about.
    As for your "friend"....perhaps not a friend. That is sad that someone would be that way.
    Good luck with your surgery. Keep us posted...please.
  16. Nestea

    Nestea Well-Known Member

    I really would love to do the surgery, but my wife still would like me to "diet"....

    I am in day #3 of my diet, I will try hard not to crack. If I see an actual pound loss of weight in 3 weeks, I will continue.

    Otherwise, I will probably do the preperationd for getting approval and scheduling the surgery before I tell my wife.

    any ideas? lap-band, gastric bypass? some new laser technique?
  17. Nestea

    Nestea Well-Known Member

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