WAY TO GO KELLIE!!!!!! I am so proud of you. I know both of you will get the 5K you both deserve and within 3-6 weeks, its a good way to end the year with a positive asset. Who needs JUDGE JOE BROWN, when we have Kellie!!! :O) UNLV34
What--- you guys don't think that's sexy? Shame, shame shame...... LOL.... Seriously, Congratulations KHM to you and your hubby!!!!!!!!!
Good Girl !!! If ya don't think you have the courage just remember; you don't need to be a lawyer, you only need to be right. When you're right it's amazing where the strength comes from all of a sudden. After the first 2 minutes the nerves settle down and your "rightness" come out. It's almost like it's something/someone other than you doing the talking. Great Left Hook Kellie.
Nave she didn't bite!!! Did you KHM? Good job! I told you that you would do good. That's sad when lawyers don't know the law as good as Creditnetters. Maybe CN ought to charge lawyers to join the board. Don't worry KHM you'll get some good $ out of it. You deserve it. Charlie
Thanks everyone! I wanted to come right home and tell all the CNetters but we had to go get the kids first Hey I was just going thru all the paperwork (something tells me we won't win) I wish I were optimistic but then my hopes would get shot down if we lost.... anyway the defendents made a copy of an Equifax dispute verification form: I'm going to try to scan it onto my website I thought it was kinda interesting. **EDIT** I'm computer illiterate I can't figure it out. At the top it says Fax Collection Dispute Verification Request. Then under it it says "This fax was transmitted on 03/03/02. To prevent deletion of this item please fax your response to (770) xxx-xxxx by 03/13/02. Then it has the CA's name, then below that is says PLEASE CONFIRM OR CORRECT ID INFORMATION to the left is all of hubby's info name SSN#, address. To the left are blank lines where the CA wrote in the same exact info about hubby. Then it says THE CONSUMER STATES (as basis for dispute) "CLAIMS PAID BEFORE COLLECTION STATUS" Then below ALL the info anyone would ever need regarding the acct. below that spaces for the CA to write in any corrections. This method is BOGUS. ALl the info is RIGHT THERE for the CA to see. The CA doesn't even have to write ANYTHING in just sign and return. I find it interesting how they only give the CA 10 days to respond but EQU gets 30 days????