Over whelmed....Here in TX

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by begntexs, Nov 19, 2002.

  1. begntexs

    begntexs Well-Known Member

    Ok CN Folks.... Iam overwhelmed... I need a little direction... where do I Start???

    My hubby has 20 plus pages of CR... 23 of them he nor I have ever heard of??????

    None of the personal Info is accurate what
    BABY STEP to take today????

    Please HElp!!!!!!!
  2. trout

    trout Well-Known Member

    read the first three posts. faq's

    that would be the first baby step.
  3. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Then read the threads again. What part of Texas are you from? I'm in SA. Welcome to the board! Charlie
  4. ArmySarge6

    ArmySarge6 Well-Known Member

    Here in SA also!
  5. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    At Lackland? Charlie
  6. ArmySarge6

    ArmySarge6 Well-Known Member

    Ft Sam
  7. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Sorry brainfart! I meant Ft Sam. I have some business goin on at Lackland. Charlie
  8. NanaC

    NanaC Well-Known Member

    Yeah, where in TX? I'm in EP (I just wanted to use initials to sound cool like the others here! ) LOL
  9. begntexs

    begntexs Well-Known Member

    Here in the dfw area.. Love this site!!!!
    Am I understanding ....Just Shoot Me If I am being a proceedure idiot,

    On the cr port.... Do I dispute the CA also or just the OCL's
  10. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Well, I am in VA - ummm near Ft. Story, hehe. But I got no business going on at Ft. Eustis or Ft. Lee. Langley either.

    I flew into DFW a couple of years ago. :D

    Sweetie, you can dispute anything.

    Dispute is for credit reports, validate is for collection agencies.

    dispute first.

  11. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member

    WP Texas, won't find it on a map
  12. fla-tan

    fla-tan Well-Known Member

    First welcome to the board. First thing you want to do, after reading and then rereading the first three posts...FAQs; PsychDocs primer; and CreditNet glossary; is dispute with the CRA anything that either you or DH don't recognize. Dispute as "not mine". Also dispute any incorrect personal information as inaccurate. The CRAs have 30 days from receipt of a dispute to verify the accuracy of any item that you dispute. If they can't/don't then they are required by FCRA to remove the item. Those are the Baby Steps that I would recommend.

    BTW I am in Fl...my use of initials to be cool too...



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