I just got a catalog from Fingerhut Christmas catalog, but the only problem, I can't use my old Credit Account, I have to open a new one with them.
They just reported me to TU for something in '96... I never even heard of them before. They use RJM Aquisition Funding for CA. I called and they are removing immediately. I am still sending them a letter, I want a paper trail, 'Kane
Oh my God, if you go to Fingerhut.com and then click the "Request a Catalog" tab, you'll notice that one of the REQUIRED fields is "Social Security Number." Like hell! Not only is that plain dangerous, but I would think requiring a Social Security Number for a purpose like this would violate the Social Security Act. (Anybody know for sure?) Sheesh! Doc
This is great news. You can get awsome deals on a Celeron system in the 700mhz range for, oh, around $2,599 or so. And they come with 15" monitors! wajaba
Apparently, they just changed their name on my credit report to CompuCredit. Took me forever to figure out who the hell it was that was adding themselves to my credit report with a $0 balance and a $0 high credit. Don't think I'll be asking for a new line of credit from them, ever.
Don't know about the Social Security Act violation but it is certainly possible considering how few things require you to give your s.s. # BUT DO NOT and I repeat do not give them this info. For all the obvious reasons and also that in their previous incarnation they opened an acct in my name w/o my authorization. I hadn't given them my s.s. or any other info. I just had a "Credit Advantage" acct appear on my reports from them. No balance ever though so I don't think that someone other than Fingerhut opened it. And I have had a devil of a time getting it removed. Which brings me to my next post...
Now that I've finally gotten the Fingerhut Acct off my rpts, I wonder if this is their new trick and I will see the acct reported as Compucredit.
My Providian acct that was sold to Emerge is being listed as Compucredit? Are you sure that's not what yours is?
hi wajaba - I clicked on electronics - hoping to see a 42" PLASMA TV - but - gulp - I saw a Sharp 25"!!!! Speaking of PLASMA TV - Gateway.com has a 42" PLASMA for $2999. The sales guy told me it was NOT High DEFINTION - it was er er er - enhanced definition. aarff - dogman
Yup, absolutely positive it's the Fingerhut account. Same account number, dates of activity, etc. I figured out who it was by looking at a credit report from last month that had Fingerhut on it. Providian, for some strange reason, didn't sell my Visa to Emerge or anyone else, so it's still listed as Providian on my reports. And I definitely don't have a $0 balance on my Providian account this month. edited to add listing from my EQ report today: Compucredit 8050101918220XXXX INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNT 07/1999 06/2000 Revolving PAYS AS AGREED $0 $0 11/2002 Prior Paying History CHARGE AMOUNT IN H/C COLUMN IS CREDIT LIMIT and from the 11/11/02 report: Fingerhut 8050101918220XXXX INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNT 07/1999 06/2000 Revolving PAYS AS AGREED $0 $0 10/2002 Prior Paying History CHARGE AMOUNT IN H/C COLUMN IS CREDIT LIMIT
IF ALL ELSE FAILS~~READ...IT IS AN APPLICATION!!! Additional Information At present we are only sending catalogs to FiNGERHUT Credit Account Holders. It will be several months before we start sending catalogs to other individuals. If approved, you will receive future mailings. We will not start regular mailings until after the first of the year.
A Sharp 25"?! Don't banks give those out when you open a checking account? (okay, maybe I should shut up: ours is a 31", and it's a hand-me-down from my parents, at that) ...and it received iffy reviews, too: http://plasmatvbuyingguide.com/plasmatvreviews/gateway-plasmatvreview.html wajaba
Thank You Thank you for signing up to receive future catalog mailings. At present we are only sending catalogs to FiNGERHUT Credit Account Holders. It will be several months before we start sending catalogs to other individuals. If approved, you will receive future mailings. We will not start regular mailings until after the first of the year. Click here to return to our home page. ---------------------- Did not have to enterSS#