Help.... this is the 1st CA ring adinging my home!! Mr Lou H. What to say to this guy?? Is it ok to use the c&d verbage via phone? I checked them out today with the sec of state (TX) NOT registered .
When they call ask who they are and ask what city and state they are calling from. Do not tell them who you are or give ANY information to them. Then tell them that you do not discuss business matters over the telephone. Then send a C & D letter.
Go ahead and assert your C&D rights over the phone if you want. Then follow up with a certified return receipt C&D letter. Then either invest in a good answering machine and screen your calls, or unplug the phone for a couple of days. Can I ask what your objective is here? The reason I ask is that I think people are quick to envoke their C&D rights. They don't think about the alternatives to, or concequences of doing so. Getting phones calls is better than getting served with a lawsuit summons. Tell us what is going on. Perhaps you can come up with a better plan.
here is the truth... my hb( of 3 yrs) has the worst cr known to earth.reasons: he is a junior with a dad who has "credit habits", a few he was DUMB,idiot ect. Credit eyes in the headlights, some his ex went "shopping". I pushed the envelope last year to get our mortage with my job.....lost that 5-15 this year thanks economy!!!!(unemployed...long term vacation...early retirement ect) We do not have credit ...everything we have is $$$$only. since the holidays are here he had the bright idea to apply for credit online .... YOU COULD HEAR THEM LAUGHING ALL THRU THE DAY & NIGHT when they saw it was my HB .. he is very depressed so I have decided to find out exactly what is on his 3 N 1...I got it for him.. O M G ......(teaars in my ii's) about 20 items never heard of... All personel info incorrect ect... lots of CA's charge off's ect. I know for a fact he had NO credit when we tied the knot .....some of this Crap says he just opened acct 2000,2001,2002 this is not even possible!!!! I checked out the SOL and here in TX it is 4years can these 3rd party sue??? He has nothing ...we have no disposable funds....No credit . we have no auto loans.....No credit... just checking to pay Mortage(mine only)h2o,gas.elec,insur,food,items for 2 kids,phone,tv ant. thats it !!!! there is no Luxuries!!! I am here on Gilligans Island ....with Mary Anns Coconut Cream Pie!!! Do YOU HAVE A TISSUE YET????hahahahahaha n e way ...... Out of the Blue Mr Asset calls My unlisted # (which I have had for 1 year next week) and wants to "Discuss a Personal Business Matter" YA KNOW WHAT THAT SPELLS ......$$$$$$$$$$
With hubby's I would start with a CHOD letter. Each of the 200X accounts I would state "not mine". EXPLAIN that he has NOT opened any accts since year 19XX. Check for extra SSNs on his bureau. This is what happened to my hubby. Once you challenge the incorrect SSNs then the accts that go with those will drop. In my experience, those are the easiest to get removed. If any are verified, contact Robin Holland at EQ, Kim Hughes at EX or Don Richman at TU. One on one help is often the best! Good luck
thanks mom for the info....i was thinkin to take earlier advise and send c&d to Mr. Asset today!! Or >> just send the not mines
What does sending a c & d to a ca have to do with sending disputes to the cra's. Why one or the other? Have you read the top 3 threads? I think you need to. If you have, then you really need to read them again.
Yes, that is right. You are dealing with two dististincly different subjects here. Please do not mix them up. I've noticed that people often do. Your most pressing problem is the CA. As mentioned a C&D should shut them up. But, it can backfire and cause a lawsuit. The credit reports are a different matter. Attack those with different laws and strategies.
Absolutly NOT... although I have kids,fish,cat and dog... Sounds Like we all have similar stories !!! <bump>