FINALLY able to pull an Equifax report and they have deleted about 12 positive tradelines along with about 100 inquiries. Now I have 2 OLD (1997) collection accounts showing up. I have another old (1996) collection just showed up on TU and Experian. So all the lawsuits got me nowhere. My credit is SH&T now. My scores are in the low to barel mid 500's because of this new (OLD) crap added. I almost want to file BK and include this old stuff along with new debt and just start over, but I worked SOOOOOOOOOOO hard to get somewhere. It's like I took 1 step forward and now 3 steps back. I am just absolutely disgusted Ok i'm done venting now..thanks for listening.
Christi- any clue why they removed the positives? did they re-insert negatives? If so, did they send you notice of re-insertion?
what the heckhappened? i see you are a veteran. how did they just delete good tradelines and where the hell do you have 100 inquiries from. am i missing something here? how can you take a step back?
PS. at least some of the negatives from 1996 will fall off next year anyway... so its not so bad. Right?
I know it's easy for me to tell you to keep your head up, but I promise, it will get better. I sometimes look back at old posts of 'veterans' who have had bad times (creditwise), and know that they got through it. I also look at the post of their accomplishments and I smile, because I know that will be me one day. I know it is frustrating, but remember, we are in the right place.
Christi, You are one of my favorites here at creditnet along with Roni and a few others. Be strong and you can win again. You are so great at the credit war. I will never get where you were and will be again thanks to the never ending 90 day late student loan crap on 5 loans that no matter how many times I dispute they always come back verified. Sallie Mae is so mean Plus capital one will never remove my chargeoff either so My credit can not be perfect until Jan 2007, four more years and counting.
Oh man, Christie! I'm so sorry to hear this, but don't get discouraged. I know how you feel, believe me! can do bk just opened a lot of these account within the last few months. No way a trustee would let you bk on them Something is definately up with Equifax...they are arbitrarily deleting good tradelines for no reason. But...they might come back at some point...maybe next time they run a tape. I'm hoping at least, since I lost of them my old auto loan, which will definately hurt when I go to buy a car. someone else said in another post, scores sometimes fluctuate a lot! Just hang in there and it will even itself out. hugz, L
Thanks everyone, but I dont have the fight in me I had back then. The inquiries were promotional from doing the BUMPAGE game. It cost me a split file and now deleted tradelines. I am just aggravated, frustrated, disgusted and PISSED OFF! My life is too busy now to spend all the time I used to spend on credit repair. I will try to validate and estoppel the collection accounts this weekend with CHOD starting and pray for the best...otherwise I'm done. It just takes SO much time, effort and stress that I'm not ready to deal with it right now. I just got a new car so I won't be needing anything credit wise for quite some time, but dammit to hell I'm MAD!!! lol Ok done now
Well at least the CA's are most likely uncollectable. If they make one false move against you you can zap them! And the worst case scenario is that you have to wait about one more year for the derogs to fall off. I think you can probably restore the + trades so you shouldn't feel so bad. I wish I had your troubles!
I just don't understand the split file saga at EQ... when I reached my inquiry limit, they simply deleted all of the inquiries I initiated from CW. Why the heck can't they do that for everyone! Doesn't seem so complicated to me... they cause themselves more grief by splitting files. Moronic.
Christi, Weren't these ca accts deleted due to your lawsuit? If so, they can't just re-report them. Didn't your settlement agreement state these items were to never appear?
I don't understand how deleting positive tradelines can be a product of bumpage. Someone needs to explain this one. Hawg Hanner
Samething happened to me. Lost 12 positives..was told file was too large with 160+ inq. and 26 tradelines so they trimed the fat. Lost 30 points. mark
So there is a real risk to bumpage. Can anything be done to insert these positive tradelines again? Hawg Hanner
I agree with George. Send a copy of the way it used to be and DEMAND why it is the way it is now. I understand what you mean about not having the energy for the battle. I'm getting pretty worn out myself. I'm just starting to not care. But you should find that one last ounce of strength, refocus and put the CRAs in their place!
Not bumpage - it's for pure spite in my opinion. My oldest tradeline is gone, and it's not from bumpage. Just gone out of the blue. -Cliff
I was told that I did not have a split file. She didn't say anything about pulling my file so often...she just didn't know much of anything. Said she had no idea what caused it. That's what made me mad. Tradelines disappear...she doesn't know why, but she isn't going to lift a finger to get the problem to someone who might know what happened. Totally clueless. L
Why is it that they lose positive tradelines so readily-- never heard of someone losing negative TLs due to split file/bumpage... thats whats so fishy to me.
Yes but the CA's sold to a new collection agency so here they come back It's damned if you and damned if you don't. I don't know what to do yet..I was in the high 600's and low 700's at one point and barely breaking 500 now because of this....grrrrrrrr