
Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by charlieslex, Nov 15, 2002.

  1. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    I have noticed that a lot of people have been asking who pulls which CRA in what state. I know that Xmas is coming up and a lot of people are trying to get CC's. may not be the best and most reliable source to get the info needed, but it's about the only one we've got. I have done my share of bitching about millcbs in the past, but it is only as good as we make it. A lot of people are too lazy to spend a few minutes to type in the info to make the site better for all of us, again myself included. I would like to ask everyone that is applying or has applied for a CC lately to spend a couple of minutes to type in the info. It will only help out EVERYONE!!! I'll get off my soapbox now! ;) Charlie
  2. rhaeny

    rhaeny Well-Known Member

    Yeah, everytime I've checked it out it never showed anything for the creditors I was looking for. I will post there next time. You're right, if we all did it we would have a much better idea who's pulling who.
  3. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member


    I concur!!!

  4. trina

    trina Well-Known Member

    Already listed my denial (Cap One unsecured) on the site.
  5. tracyb0313

    tracyb0313 Well-Known Member

    Every one listed for my state, except one, is from me! LOL
  6. Mommy2cats

    Mommy2cats Well-Known Member

    I agree it is an invaluable resource - BUT we have to do our part.

    I've only applied for one thing (Target) and I updated it with my info. If we all did this, it would make it more accurate.

    For me, knowing what CRA they were going to pull made a big difference. Right now my TU report is awful because they took off a current tradeline, so ALL I have is a derog and a couple of very old tradelines. I wouldn't get squat for any company that pulled TU - so knowing that Target pulls EQ in my area was imperative for me to know.

    My next attempt will probably be GM Card because it appears they pull EQ as well. I'd not know that if it weren't for Mills and CN!

  7. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member more people will read and heed! ;) Charlie
  8. trina

    trina Well-Known Member

    tracy, I noticed I can't get a lot of info for IL myself, so I put in what I can.
  9. christi523

    christi523 Well-Known Member

    I did my good deed for today, I finally added to the website.

    Wish more Marylanders would update the list also!!
  10. Hermit5

    Hermit5 Well-Known Member

    I added to the site making a total of 3 Alaskans who have contributed.
  11. cma

    cma Well-Known Member

    Bump. With the season instigating so many credit card applications, we should continue to update
  12. jjulez

    jjulez Well-Known Member

    I made a contribution for us here in Hawaii!!
  13. cma

    cma Well-Known Member

  14. shport

    shport Well-Known Member

    I will update again when I begin to apply for credit. I'm about 30 days away however. My GF is weeks away and she will update immediately.

    I'm entirely on board with this movement. Help out, especially if you're from CO.
  15. Mommy2cats

    Mommy2cats Well-Known Member

    I've updated - did so for my Target card - and the Best Buy and GM cards I just got.

    It's helped me plan my strategy! Keep updating everyone!

  16. jjulez

    jjulez Well-Known Member

    And here's another....

    First USA pulls Experian here in Hawaii
  17. tracyb0313

    tracyb0313 Well-Known Member

    did you go to the site and update it??
  18. jjulez

    jjulez Well-Known Member

    Sure did
  19. mysti_summ

    mysti_summ Well-Known Member

    Anybody think it would be a good idea to keep this thread permanatley at the top by the FAQ's with a link to the site to remind everyone to fill it in??? I think more people would remember to do it and it wouldn't have to keep getting bumped :)

    Just an idea.


    I think it would remind us ALL to fill it in.


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