
Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by uniondiva, Nov 21, 2002.

  1. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    Search isn't working and I need an answer:

    I sent validtion letter to midland and they sent printouts of activity

    I also sent C&D letter to previous ca and today I get phone call from midland saying they are forwarding file to atty.

    for those who got "action"on midland with them deleting tradelines...

    1) did they provide any type of "validation" like printouts of your Speigal account activity

    2) dID THEY mark account in dispute on credit reports

    3) how long after its did they remove entry

    4) any other violations that I should be looking for?

  2. nvbonedoc

    nvbonedoc Well-Known Member

    My experience with Midland was very frustrating. They didnt validate, didnt respond to estoppel, didnt respond to a "Payday" letter and didnt respond to a remove it or i'll sue letter. However, one day the tradeline was gone (6 months later). They also have a nasty habit of pulling soft inquiries (as many as 2 a month). Get ready for a good fight and dont give up.
  3. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member


    anybody else?
  4. Mecro

    Mecro Well-Known Member


    Do you mind emailing me a copy of the "remove it or I'll sue" letter. Thats exactly what I need to send to Midland and hope for a deletion.

  5. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

  6. valgal333

    valgal333 Well-Known Member

    I had success when I was dealing with Midland by sending an Intent to Sue directly to FCNB. Midland ignored my validation letter & even placed themselves on my CR after they signed for the letter. Additionally, they never put the account in dispute & pulled an inquiry during this time.

    When this occured, I faxed an Intent to Sue directly to FCNB, basically saying that they were responsible for Midland's actions (if they were or not, I'm not sure) & they deleted the very next day. They also sent me an apology letter and recalled the account from Midland. A few days later, Midland sent me a letter saying I owed nothing & a copy of the UDF removing the account from my CRs. This process took me from 9/20/02 - 11/5/02.

    This is the fax number I used for FCNB: 503-641-2772. Good Luck! :)

  7. Tuit

    Tuit Well-Known Member

    My experience with Midland was the same as nvbonedoc's. They never responded, removed the tl from my cr then sold the account to another ca. :-(

    Tuit :)
  8. tnobles

    tnobles Well-Known Member

    Ditto. Exact same thing.
  9. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    Same here....but my debt is over the 5 year SOL to sue in NYS. So I have an affirmative defense now. :D
  10. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    right now, I am feeling like I have midland on violations.

    did not mark entry as disputed on credit report
    violated C&D letter..

    I guess what I was missing was sending the ITS directly to fCNB... I was wondering how that worked since Midland now "owns" the debt. OH, Yes, I have damages since my mortage refi want kaput because of this entry!

    However, I will try it and will send follow up letter to midland (at least get them on more violations)... I am going to check what the SOL is for Indiana, since they allege last activity was in 1997.

    any other suggestions

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