Best "Not Mine" letter

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Vman, Nov 22, 2002.

  1. Vman

    Vman Well-Known Member

    Does everyone use the sample letter from the FAQ here named "Dispute Debt" as the standard 'Not Mine'?

    The reason I ask, is I have seen the same letter on multiple credit web sites, and thought the CRAs may have grown callus to it by now - which may not be a bad thing if they ignore it for 30 days! :)

    Just want to make sure I use the best possible letter for CHOD. If there are others outside the samples here, I'd like to look at them too.

  2. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    Most people use the sample letters as a guide and do not send them "word for word" . Folks who have some anxiety about sending out a letter they have modified, will post it here for opinions (minus personal info) before sending it out. The "not mine
    disputes are not that hard and should be kept as simple as possible.
  3. Vman

    Vman Well-Known Member

    I just came across this one on another site. I like it better, since it is simpler, and has less legal-ease thrown in. Is there anything important missing, or keywords in the body that I may want to include?


    Dear Sir or Madam:

    I am writing to request removal of the following erroneous information from my credit report. The following account is not mine and its inclusion in my credit file is very damaging to my credit rating:

    [Item # Name of account]

    I am requesting the above item be reinvestigated and deleted from my credit file under the provisions of the Fair Credit Reporting Act, and that a free, corrected copy of my credit file be sent to me within the 30 day period set forth in the FCRA.

    Thank you very much for your attention to this matter.

  4. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    it looks fine
  5. ryder

    ryder Well-Known Member

    I draft my own "not mine" letter. I claim that I believe that the account in question probably belongs to a brother, sister, father, mother with my same last name and same first initial (but a different first name). This leads them to believe that the account is a crossed file, a very common problem. I ask for a deletion. I had one recent account with five 30 day lates deleted this way (my toughest one) by TU without question.

    Be careful with your terminology when you do this, you want to make your letter sound as if it is written by someone who knows nothing about credit laws or credit repair. I used the form they supplied to me in my consumer copy of my credit report. Also, limit your dispute to just a few accounts at one time using this method, as it may raise a red flag. Always ask for a complete deletion.
  6. shaolin76

    shaolin76 Well-Known Member

    hehe my "not mine" dispute leter goes like this:

    Hey im disputing the following account as "not mine": (list account info)

  7. Fuba

    Fuba Well-Known Member

    I photo copied my report, marked, "Please delete this one, it's not mine", and sent it in. I tried to contact the OC many times and they always blew me off so I got a deletion.
  8. gib

    gib Well-Known Member

    You got this from Lexington didn't you? LOL


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