Cap1 - seriously, do I even try?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by qofther, Nov 21, 2002.

  1. qofther

    qofther Well-Known Member

    Unpaid charge off with Cap 1. Yes - it is my debt and I need to pay it. Do I even bother trying to negoitate deletion with them? It's a huge amount and I can't afford to pay it all, negotiating 30-40% so I can't even throw more money at them to negotiate deletion, besides it sounds like they never agree to it anyway. I feel like maybe I should save my time and energy and frustrations with the CA and just pay them to get the r5 and live with it for the next 6 yrs. Am I giving up the fight to easily?
  2. kit

    kit Well-Known Member

    Well, my hubby recently sent a settlement offer letter to Cap1, basically what you want-- payment for deletion. He has been paying this out slowly every month, but offered a bulk payment of the remaining amount for deletion in his letter. Today, we receive a letter essentially saying that they received xx dollars (November monthly payment) and the account is now considered paid in full and that his credit report will be updated to reflect payment in full. What this means-- I don't know, expect that it appears that they are settling for less than the full amount. No reference to changing the charge-off status or anything. Don't know if this helps, but thought I would post anyway.
  3. qofther

    qofther Well-Known Member

    Thanks. I just don't know what to realistically expect to be able to do. Everyone says never settle without written agreement of deletion... everyone also says Cap1 never agrees to that. So what else is there? Anything in between I can at least aim for?
  4. qofther

    qofther Well-Known Member

    seriously.... anybody with experience with them?
  5. Manequinne

    Manequinne Well-Known Member


    I don't have a chargeoff with them, but I can tell you from previous posters what has happened.

    Mr. Cooke will work with you to pay on it, or pay it off, but he will not go higher than R5.

    They will not delete for payment.

    I cannot find a post that states they will delete for payment.

    I have seen people say 'wait them out'.

    The closer the debt gets to the SOL, or when it is getting ready to fall off your report, you will receive an offer from them to put the balance on a new card, effectively renewing the debt.
    Be careful of these types of offers.

    I am looking for a post of a man who disputed Capital one for almost a year to get them off, just to have them turn around and place themselves back on his report about 6 months later.

    I wish you luck with them.
  6. IB

    IB Active Member

    as I said in the other post, gofther, don't give up and try to get at least paid as agreed and deletion of negatives...deletion maybe too hard to obtain with cap1, but having a positive thing is still good to your score.
  7. kit

    kit Well-Known Member

    Someone was able to get Cap1 to go to paid as agreed for full settlement, but that was months back and I don't have the gumption to look it up... Point is, it obviously can be done.
  8. kalinka

    kalinka Well-Known Member

    I am a "Cappie" bustout. I tried to negotiate for deletion with cooke and a few others. I know all their names by now and they all me :) :(. I keep trying every other day in hopes of getting transferred to some Honcho that may want to get rid of me by offering something better than a paid charge off.
    An R5 is just as bad as an R9. Settled in full is not the same as paid as agreed. This is what we all want.
    When I call I ask for "payed as agreed" or pay to Delete. They will not do it. I only have less than
    one year to go for SOL on the debt. I'm going to wait them out and try like hell to dispute it off.
    I think I may have gotten them on a technicality
    of balance discrepancies but I don't know how the CRA's will react to this. I have them on paper offering me to settle my account and they are off by a few dollars on what they are reporting. I will report
    if this did the trick and get it deleted.
  9. shaolin76

    shaolin76 Well-Known Member

    If your going to pay it anyways ask them to rehab it and reissue another card with the debt added to that one.. My wife had a charge off from them that was pass the sol... it was for 600 to 800... she recieved a letter last year offering this deal.. she accepted it... they gave her a new card with 300 limit maxed out... she still owes them 3 or 400 but she doesnt want to pay them for some reason... they did remove the old charge off info on her crs though... o btw the only reason i think they offered her this was because it was passed the sol.. by issuing her a new card with they restarted the clock and could go after her if she defaulted again...
  10. Manequinne

    Manequinne Well-Known Member

    If this is true, I stand corrected :)

    I had always read/heard it couldn't be done.
  11. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Maybe CHOD will work for you. Charlie

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