Does anybody else ever get that "I want another card just because" feeling? Uh-oh, I think I'm getting that feeling again. It's an itchin', a twitchin', a scritchin', a scratchin', it's time for the Credit Card Cha Cha Cha! What should I apply for? Doc P.S. I've been watching way too much Bear in the Big Blue House with my son.
Doc I know exactly what you are talking about, I have another post " do I need another CC?" hoping that someone will convience me it's a good Idea to apply. But these people on creditnet will only give me good advice, and tell me to hold off! what's up with that?
PsychDoc Scratch that itch.......keep your ratios down...LOL Ask yourself the following question............DO I NEED ANOTHER HEADACHE???????????????? LOL fla-tan
Yep, I feel like that and I haven't even received the last card I was approved for... My hubby always asks-- why do you want another card to put in the sock drawer? Just cause-- cause it feels good )
I just fed the itch and applied somewhere else... I got that great "your appoved" adrenaline rush and then the guilt associated with another inquiry... all in all, it was worth it.
LOL..... Doc.. that is allllllllll I watch with my son!!! When I read the Cha Cha part.. I knew someone elses love Bear in the Big Blue house too! However, I get that feeling too..! Go apply for something... it will make ya feel better!
I dunno, Doc, are you sure those are just symptoms of wanting more cards or could it be that you need to see another kind of "Doc"? (Just kidding, I couldn't resist)
Apply for the Yahoo First USA Card.. they are generous w/ their CL. I got $25k when I applied.. Then combine it w/ your other First USA accounts.. it's a way to do a BDD (altho inquiries are done)
Ender, how were your scores when you got the Yahho First Card. I'm not trying to be nosy, just wondering if I have a chance and don't want to waste an inquiry. I have gone up, down, and back up a bit to 643 Eq, TU is the worst with 575???? and Ex is around 626.
(where are my damn Winston Lights?) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I flushed them for our mutual benefit!!!
You've made a similar promise before Vegas. Fortunately, we have you on tape at the MGM Grand casino. It clearly shows you taking something into your lungs, and I'd bet it wasn't some waitress's cheap perfume Saar