ohnostruck, I don't know what lb59 is for sure, but I would say he is a male. BUT can anyone tell for sure? From a General Lounge post. http://b3ta.com/femaleorshemale/ Charlie
LOL, great link, charlie! I'm usually pretty good at spotting TVs but that's because i can see them in person. Photographs can be nearly impossible, as i've seen some manly looking women in my day!
How many did you get right? I got 14 out of 16. That's the most I've seen anybody get. I had a friend that got 8 right then 10. Charlie
Hey hey now...The reason that I asked is because Bill Baurer corrects someone on the collection industy board for calling LB a he.
I do not think that he was being negative here. Quote -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- think that going in to the courthouse is getting more and more common these days because people's ways of thinking are changing. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I certainly must agree with that Quote -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Take a look at lb59's posts for a good example of this. Every other one deals with taking someone else to court because he feels he is being persecuted (it seems). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the first place, it's a she, not a he. She informed me of that in no uncertain terms long ago. And it is not about persecution at all. It is about learning what one's rights are under the law and standing up for them no matter who it is that attempts to violate them.
I am sorry if some of you feel that I was being nasty with my post. I wasn't. I do not see anything wrong with being a woman...I am one. So pllllpppp Thanks LB I really was just curious. I am sure I am wrong about half the sexes of people that post here. Unless it is obvious by the handle that they use.