I was told that sears and equifax have a relationship. 1st question...just by putting something in dipute can it harm your score? When I started my EQ was 626, after disputing Sears and them updating tradeline now 544. The original tradeline said R-9 Charge Off. Now it says R-5 Account transfered or sold. Is this a worse listing? EQ is the only CB to report this account this way. TU and EXP remained the same. How can the same account be listed two different ways? What should I do about this? If I dispute do I dispute EQ or the other 2 bureaus? Or with OC? Should I send something out during CHOD? Please help me with this item.
Yes that is worse, it looks like you are currently late. I had a military cc after disputing it 3 or 4 times (it was a paid charge off) I think they wanted to punish me b/c they changed it to an r5 my score went from 667 to 575. I called Efx and raised all kinds of hell, and they deleted same day I think b/c it was to come off in Feb anyway
I'm not sure if EQU and Sears are affiliated BUT I think the reason why your score tanked is because them "updating" makes it look like you are currently late. Let's say the last time Sears updated was 1/02 R9 chargeoff then you dispute and on 11/02 it comes back R5, it looks like you were late as of 11/02. It's just EQU's screwy system and there's nothing you can do. Now the only time putting something in to dispute may hurt your score is if it is one of your older tradelines. *IF* you didn't pay the Sears account and it's still within the SOL you may want to move on to other disputes and leave that alone for now. Sears is a pain in the arse if left unpaid. Your score will gradually go back up it will take a few months or so
Thanks for the input, i guess i do not understand how one CRA can report one thing while the other two have different info. I did not think they were allowed to do that.
This sounds like a malicious attempt by sears and equifax towards you for disputing information in your credit report. An R-5 = currently 120+ days past due An R-9 = charged off. R-5 in the present and not aged, thus it hurts your score. R-9 could be a charge off from 6 1/2 years ago and it ages and is less and less a factor in your current score. See the difference?
I had the same sort of thing with sears. They had the dla a few months later on one report. But have deleted it from all three, due to reaching the 7 yr mark. Does your cr have an RMA with the same acct? I believe that sears, rma, and equifax have very strong ties. i think rma is or was a branch of equifax. mine still has RMA, even after the original sears fell off. they reaged it. not sure how to prove it.
Not yet, no RMA...it has just reported as transfered or sold because of the investigation. Should I dispute with EQ that they are reporting incorrect information? The new tradeline also states the account was closed by the consumer...I know I did not close the account!
Couldn't you make copies of an old credit report, block out any inpertinant information, and send to the CRA? That way, you could show what sears had as the date of last activity. Just an idea. By the way, RMA used to be affiliated with Equifax. RMA is a collector for sears. I believe that this is the relationship ring.
someone else said to do that. I just didnt think the CRA would give a crap what info ihad and would solely rely on what rma says. and I also feared they would jyst add the sears back on with rma's date.
Sears, EQ, and RMA are doing the same thing to me. I have an old Sears account that RMA bought from Sears, and now Sears and RMA are reporting it an R5. Is this legal? Or are they just trying to beat up my CR, this account is about 6 years old, but it is still an R5, what gives?