Okay, I know it's a silly thing, but I actually got excited when he said "This is Eugene Cook from Capital One. I'm calling because you had sent us an e-mail." I really wanted to say "I've heard so many good things about you" but figured he might want to know where ;-) He asked for some verifying info and said he'd get back with me before Friday about my CL increases. Is he pretty good about really getting back to people when he said he would? I'd love to decrease my utilization by virtue of increasing CL's, since large payments on the CC's will have to wait for tax return time.
Cap1 doesn't report the limit, they can't use it to determine utilization. soooo you still have to charge-up to "show" your limit, and then pay down again in order for your percent utilization to change. Kinda sucks.
He is great about doing what he says he will do. Unfortunately, CapOne increases won't help you with utilization issues since they don't report credit limits L
Well, actually I have already had that used to my advantage My CapOne Platinum card has a $500 limit, but shows on my CR as a $1000 limit. This was due to a clerical error on their part when trying to get an emergency payment applied so I could use the card for a plane ticket. When the payment wouldn't go through (but after they let me charge the ticket), my balance went to $1000. Then I called and had a hissy fit about late fees and overlimit fees, and they rescinded those and finally got the info right for the payment but still reported my high balance as $1K. It's been there ever since. I don't have a problem with charging it up and paying it off in the same month to get it to report a high balance, really. I can always charge my gas and groceries and everything else I normally pay cash for and then send in a large payment. Or I wonder if I can get my dad to charge something to my card from his store and then issue me a credit like 3 weeks later. Is that legal?
I'd be wary to do this with family, but people on this board do it all the time... buy and then return to artificially inflate the high credit.
He knows all about us. He says he reads the board from time to time. He says we are like a little Eugene Cooke fan club. ) Good luck on the increase. -Peace, Dave
I spoke to him for the first time too a couple of weeks ago. I also wanted to see.. *oh my goodness.. I'm talking to the famous eugene cooke!* lol Anyway, I kinda figured he'd know about this board. He didn't give me a limit increase but he did lower my rate and knocked off all monthly fees
Thought I'd update on this.... If Mr. Cooke did call on Friday as he said he would, I wasn't home. There were several "unknown name" calls on the caller ID, though, which is what it said the first time he called. Anyway, checked my CapOne accounts online, and both cards have a $300 limit increase! Not exactly what I was looking for, but it's better than nothing No inquiry, not even an A/R on any of my reports from CapOne.
Yes, I know - unfortunately, DH put our phone number on some request for information from GM a few weeks ago and we've been getting LOTS of those calls. If I answer, it's someone from Pontiac, GMC, etc., asking for DH. Ugggggh. I told him next time to put a damned fake number if he felt like entering those contests. I almost missed Mr. Cooke's phone call from ignoring all of those.
Can someone please type the information as to how to contact Mr.Cooke via email or phone. I have two Cap-1 accounts, and I love them dearly. I would however like to appeal a few recent credit decisions. Thanks in advance. Credinet rocks!
I work RETAIL and DETEST returns especially 12/26 to 01/02 I have done probably 20-30 returns in 10 years... I DON'T DO THE BUY A $5,000 ITEM, WAIT TILL THE STATEMENTS GENERATES, THEN RETURN IT!!! That is others who do that... ...BUT I HAVE BT'D THE MAX and have paid it in full the following month... [EDIT] I hope you were talking about buying and returning STUFF...
Check the newbie section for a link to Planet Feedback. Many people have used that as a way to contact Mr. Cooke. WHile we are on the subject, I emailed Cap 1 last week to try and negotiate a payment of my Cap 1 account that has charged off. I directed it to Mr. Cooke but I have not yet heard from him. Will he leave a message on my machine if I'm not home? How log does it take normally fora response? Thanks,
Actually, what I was talking about was just having my dad run a charge, wait about 3 weeks, then run a credit. No merchandise involved. My dad owns a retail establishment. I've since decided not to do it, Christmas is close enough, and we're moving the week before, so between the two I am sure that I can max out the cards instead of paying cash and just pay them when I get the bill.