
Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by The Kid, Nov 26, 2002.

  1. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Re: Gib

    Do you always talk about yourself as "the kid'?

    Why would you want to hang around this board when you aren't wanted here with that attitude.

    And yes, there are plenty of addresses and names, but being the hotshot you are, you should know how easy it would be to get your real name and have an injunction served on you preventing you from using this board. So. don't kid yourself.
  2. The Kid

    The Kid Well-Known Member

    Re: Gib

    As I said, you need to have thicker skin than that if you want to be successful in this credit repair game.

    You can't wait for apologies in this game, no no. You need to stand up for yourself, even when you are going against the big names like Trans Union, are all "KIDS" to the CRAs.

    You can act big here, have a big name, etc... but steop out and you are fighting GIANTS. You need to be stronger and tougher than that...nobody owes you a damn thing, and you can be successful in this credit game. Just some sound advice from an old time pro. ;)
  3. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Re: Gib

    Guess what? I'm not doing credit repair and not everybody here is.
  4. The Kid

    The Kid Well-Known Member

    Re: Gib

    You can serve a pleading asking for an injunction, but you also have to show up in court to get the injunction granted. lol

    Not sure why you hate me, folks.

    As I said, you need to have thicker skin to play this credit game. Let it be a lesson to you from an old time pro. ;)
  5. The Kid

    The Kid Well-Known Member

    Re: Gib

    Finally approved for Amex? LOL
  6. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Re: Gib

    And your point. Does that mean I was doing credit repair? Hardly. You really need to pull your head out of your ass and get some fresh air. Why do people hate you? Because you show up with this greater than everybody else attitude, and when you are wrong, which has been numerous time so far, and are told about it, you attack. You don't know as much as you think you do.
  7. drmgirl6

    drmgirl6 Well-Known Member

    Re: Gib

    You seriously don't know?
  8. The Kid

    The Kid Well-Known Member

    Re: Gib

    I know that I suckered you right down to my level. lol

    As I said, you need thicker skin than that to play this credit game...
  9. The Kid

    The Kid Well-Known Member

    Re: Gib

    65 replies on my first thread, in less than 24 hours! lol

    You guys and girls should lead by example and treat me with RESPECTO!! LOL
  10. drmgirl6

    drmgirl6 Well-Known Member

    Re: Gib

    LOL, LOL, this is fun. Type something else.
  11. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Re: Gib

    You got it backwards. You, as the newbie who doesn't know too much, needs to respect those that have been around and know more than you think you know. Again, go read the first 3 threads and see if you can learn something.
  12. The Kid

    The Kid Well-Known Member

    Re: Gib

    Actually, you need to learn how to treat all human beings with equal respect.
  13. humblemarc

    humblemarc Well-Known Member


    Hey Creditnetters--
    Do i get a prize for spotting a megaloegomaniac (i.e TROLL) wwaaayy before anyone else?
    Please just alert your friendly neighborhood PBM.
    he'll be gone by tomorrow morning.
  14. drmgirl6

    drmgirl6 Well-Known Member

    Re: troll

    I nominate you, humblemarc, for spotting "Troll of the month" or should we say "week"? They seem to be showing up a little more regularly as of late.
  15. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Re: troll

    You get the prize. This guy is a troll of highest degree. A legend in his own mind. Doesn't know what he is talking about. You also were correct in pointing out the misinformation the troll was giving.
  16. ma_bear911

    ma_bear911 Well-Known Member

    Re: Gib

    Why let an obvious troll get under our skin. You, Kid, have done nothing that deserves respect.

    Edit\ posted at same time
  17. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Re: Gib

    Again, you don't know what you are talking about. I can walk into court, fill out a form, see the judge and have the order GRANTED in 10 minutes time. Where do you get your misinformation from?
  18. humblemarc

    humblemarc Well-Known Member

    Re: troll

    (cameras flashing, crowd applauding)
    Oh My god,
    i never thought i would win this award. First I'd like to thank Tnobles, cause she never gets named in any list, I'd also like to thank LKH errr, Psychdoc, errr, I mean PBM for making this board possible. Let me think.. . . (tears flowing). . . also NanaC, who no one ever thinks in PBM, and George, where would ALL CAPS be without you. . . and Breeze, with a "congratulations" always on her lips. . . and of course, Sassy , who couldn't be here tonight, cause she's working OT, i'm still swaying Sassy. . . and to MarkLA, who offered me his "free love" award and Generations Visa. Sorry, Mark i think i'll have to pass this time. . . and fla-tan, who answers all the mortgage questions on the board, so i don't have to. . I know i'm forgetting a lot of you. . . (music playing indicating commercial break)
  19. tnobles

    tnobles Well-Known Member

    Re: troll

    Ohhh thank you Mark!!!!! My first list!!! Thanx for the laugh, I really needed it tonight.
  20. drmgirl6

    drmgirl6 Well-Known Member

    Re: troll


    You didn't thank me for the nomination. I'm hurt.

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