Re: troll (at the after party, half drunk, (like when julia roberts forgot) "oh yes, and most of all, drmgirl, who made this nomination possible" LOL
Re: Gib Kid If you are going to post on a public board, are you really so stupid and naive as to think that others are not going to read and involve themselves??? That knid of attitude has all the earmarks of a 2 or 3 year old. Why don't you take your great insight and knowledge to someplace that will appreciate it. Obviously that is not here. fla-tan
Re: Gib Actually Kid, I hate to burst your bubble again, but I haven't lowered myself to your level. I honestly don't believe that would be possible, not that I would try. I have fun revealing how inept someone like you actually is. BTW should I go back to calling you things like Bumbly and Bubby again? Or maybe you prefer the old standby of Booby? Do you remember all those times??? fla-tan
Re: Gib Right, my legal rights can be affected without providing me ANY opportunity at all to represent myself--that is what due process is founded on. lol m Tell you what....make it happen, do it. Which court are you going to "walk into". LOL, I can picture you walking in and out in 10 minutes and getting an injunction. LOL
Re: Gib Laughing out Loud...I don't remember those Bumbly and Bubby me, sounds funny. LMAO
Re: Gib City court in Tucson, AZ. It happens 100 times a day. I don't spout stuff I don't know about like some people. BTW, and this is the first time I have ever said what I do for a living, but, I work in the court system in Pima County,AZ. So don't tell me I'm wrong. You on the other hand have been wrong on just about everything you blabber about. I'm still waiting on the proof of your " head of the class" nonsense.
Re: Gib Is your sn "Florida tan"?? LOL, good one. Actually, only a few of the literally thousands of posters have responded in this thread, so it is safe to assume that the other many thousands approve of me. Perhaps you will have enough maturity to look past my posts, as an adult would. LOL, don't let a Kid get the best of ya! Believe me, you need to have thicker skin than that to play this credit game... You guys and girls are a good crowd, I must say!! LMAO
Re: Gib No personal jurisdiction over moi in AZ...sorry, you lose! LOL subject matter jurisdiction lose again! LOL Maybe get a 1st Ammendment attorney? lol $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Re: Gib Doc needs to give one of his in depth analysis of this guy. My personal opinion is he is quite ill.
Re: Gib Well...I don't live in Arizona, nor have I taken any actions directed towards the state of Arizona. What makes you think that a court can exercise jurisdiction over a citizen of a different state, when the individual has no ties whatsoever to that state? It is called personal jursidiction, and it's lacking. Furthermore, what is your standing? Who are you to decide whether or not I can post on this board? LOL
Re: Javan I wrote a letter to a judge once, the judge never got it and it was put into the file it referenced. In NH a court clerk is NOT allowed to offer advice of ANY kind.
Re: LKH LKH- You don't have enough posts to earn my respect!! Now go read some threads and then come back! LMAO )
Re: Javan Thanks for your post. It should not be too surprising that people don't always do what they are supposed to do. LOL, happens all the time...just gotta be a sweety pie! What a GREAT THREAD this a chatroom almost. LOL, this board needs a little soap people are far too non argumentative!!
Re: LKH I don't want the respect of someone who thinks they know everything, but in reality knows very little. So, with that , good night.
Re: Gib Kid Actually it probably means that most here have no interest in either you or anything you have to say. I just egg you on for the fun of it. Your childish prattling makes for good fun. Though I will have to admit, it seems as if your spelling has improved with time. Either that or those typing classes they gave you in the ward have helped you. fla-tan
Re: LKH MAN JUST SHUT THE **** UP You are a complete imbecile. Noone here likes you yet you keep on going. Christ you are like a 3 year old child, constantly looking for attention anyway you can.
Re: LKH Mecro- You need thicker skin than that to play this credit game...good luck with everything and have a great T Giving. Life is far too short to harbor this anger that you are displaying. Sincerely, "The Kid"